I checked out this book because I like Jenna Fischer and I was wanting an easy read. As a non-actor, I wish the book was more memoir and less guide. I still enjoyed it and found Fischer to be refreshingly honest about how difficult trying to be an actor is and how much luck and insane perseverance is required. I would recommend this to any aspiring actors as well as other creatives as much of her advice can apply to artists, writers etc.
Finding Frida in my library book makes me ridiculously happy.
Picked up two books at the library and can‘t decide which to read first.
My cat refuses to offer an opinion.
I‘m listening to The Hazel Wood and loving it. The cover is so darn pretty I might have to buy a physical copy...
There are some books I love too much to lend out.
Growing Gills is a realistic self-help book for creatives that I recommend for anyone who feeling blocked. G.G. Is a hipper version of The Artist Way.
Bonus: Jessica Abel interacts with readers via email and there are printable worksheets on her website. Abel actually responds to questions from readers. I can‘t think of a more accessible writer.
Home sick, reading fairy tales. Lovely prose and beautiful illustrations pairs well with DayQuil.