It was a long, disorienting day. Visiting Neverland tonight.
Sigh. So good. A great little primer for _From the Beast to the Blonde_.
I really loved this look at three generations of women struggling with their own demons as they also struggle to understand and be understood by each other.
Loving this fairy tale-inspired novel about a boy alone in the woods.
Loving this fairy tale-inspired novel about a boy alone in the woods.
Loving this fairy tale-inspired novel about a boy alone in the woods.
You can't underestimate the difference genre makes. Reading this drama feels so different from reading the HP novels. Not bad, but somehow less enjoyable for me.
Book club book that I keep procrastinating reading. Just can't quite get myself to dive in to North Korea....
Reading while waiting for my car repair. A long, engaging read for a long, uninteresting wait.
I'm not much of a crime or mystery reader, but I'm enjoying this one about murder in an early 20th c. British boarding school.
Also reading (because I am an unabashed polygamous reader) this one. A slow but enjoyable read.
Really loved this 80s-to-today graphic novel about girls making their own way. Looking forward to the sequels.
Started up with another family. Very odd yet compelling. I've loved other Polly Horvath books (My One Hundred Adventures and Mr. and Mrs. Bunny, Detectives Extraordinaire), and am enjoying this one so far, though her signature sweet/uncomfortable tone does make one squirm at times.