You will NOT defeat me. Looking at you TBR.
Hmmm, very contemplative this one. A quick very philosophical read about societal norms & human nature. Overall it‘s a good read, very thought provoking. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
My Aardvark pick of the month of January. Amped for this one!
Wowzers! A beautifully penned tale about three sisters who persevere tragedy by arming themselves with the most powerful of weapons, love. Breathtakingly amazing! 4.5/5
Woo hoo! Completely determined to kick my physical TBR‘s gluteus maximus!
This is a super quick and entertaining whodunnit. There aren‘t a lot of twists and turns, but it was still an enjoyable ride. 4/5
What a wonderful read! An epic magical tale of a young girl who lives on the Circus Train during the 1930s & early 40s. Absolutely enchanting! 2nd favorite read in 2023! So good! 😍 4.5/5.
Holy moly! This book had me crying, not in a pretty, dainty way, but an all out bawling. The author‘s writing style is direct with absolutely no word mincing. Overall it was a beautiful & cathartic experience. Please note it might be best to check out trigger warnings before picking up, some sensitive subject matter. 4.5/5 stars.
This book didn‘t age as well as the ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe‘, however it served its purpose as a much needed palate cleanser. Good to see Susan, Edmund, and Lucy again. Always a joy!
3.75/5 stars.
Starting this palate cleanser. Much needed after such an intense read :cough:Babel:cough: I‘m reading these in publication order not chronologically so this is book #5 for me!
I have mixed feelings. During this journey, I experienced the extraordinary and the mundane. Perhaps my expectations were too lofty, or perhaps that was the point. Anywho overall this read was fascinating, and shouldn‘t be missed. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Wow! I would like to introduce my new comfort read, Legends and Lattes! I‘ve been kind of down, but this tale has turned me around! A simple story filled to the brim with kindness and love, so sweetly substantial. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Chiseling away! Next up …
I really enjoyed this book. I think it accurately depicts a person struggling with anxiety, depression, and doubt. Through the main protagonist, I was able to experience the manifestation of thought to behavior, and how they influence each other. Love for oneself is the most important love. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Trying to whittle down my current Aardvark TBR before my next box comes. Wish me luck! 📚
For me, meh. Overall entertaining, but you‘ll have to suspend some disbelief to completely enjoy. I will continue the series due to my curiosity, and my insatiable need for closure. Beware, there are some violent & disturbing scenes.
3.5 out of 5 stars
Goodness me! This was a solid read! There are many types of love in the world; some are definitely underrated. This book does a wonderful job exploring all realms. I would recommend. Ending 2022 on a very positive note! Onto to 2023! Happy New Years!
“To be good at something is not quite the same as loving it.”
This has been on my TBR since October. Super excited to start!
Wow! This book has heart. A beautifully spun tale about the creation of bonds, the determination of the soul, and the destruction caused by strict societal norms. It‘s wrapped nicely with the love of science. Bonus - The narrative from the canine‘s POV is well done.
4 out of 5 stars.
“But things will be fine. Maybe even better than fine. A dog, an erg, two seat. Excellent.”
Beautiful. Just beautiful.
‘And then there was the illogical art of female friendship itself, the way it seemed to demand an ability to both keep and reveal secrets using precise timing.‘
Woah, is this the truth? This explains so much. Mind blown! 😂
Starting this one next! Slowly but surely attacking my TBR. I will prevail!
This lrish ditty of a young Catholic woman living in a Northern Ireland town in 1994 is darkly humorous, heartfelt, and surprisingly uplifting. Maeve Murray perseveres through heartbreak and social injustice with a biting, sarcastic attitude that had me laughing out loud throughout the read. This book also gives some insight into the violence surrounding this region during 1994. Some warning though, Maeve is hilarious but crass!
Woo hoo! Starting this book today! I‘ve heard good things. Thanks @AardvarkBookClub