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Joined September 2020

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05/31/21 - 06/04/21
A definate must read. There is so much action and thought that was put into this book. I chose this book because of all of the good reviews on it and the cover also looked pretty. A little bit of information about the book is its about a girl who can't touch anybody and when she does she could kill them. The first person to enter her cell treats her as a human and their relationship grows within the story.

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17/05/21 - 21/05/21
I wonder why Agatha wasn't happy with her happy ending Sophie gave her. It seemed like it was a pretty good. I'm curious about this because maybe Sophie later on in the story will feel hurt that she wished for a diffrent happily ever after when she finds out that is what Agatha secretly wished for. I think Sophie may also be frustrated later on because she was completely happy with her ending and who knows it might change.

Arabella of Mars | David D. Levine
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05/10/21 - 05/14/21
Science Fiction, Alternate History
I finally finished this book. I choose this book because of how the cover looked and I really wanted to see how they tried. Lots of heartbreaking and heartwarming moments in this story. At first I thought it was just going to be an adventure of some sort due to the title and the cover but I later fould out that this story would be a rollacoaster. I would definitly recommend this as a pick.

Arabella of Mars | David D. Levine

Arabella had always been the only person in the family who shared her fathers passion.
This compares to how when you have an opinon or thought of something cool and unknow and you want to do it. Its hard when no one supports you especially when your family doesn't. When you fail it is like they will point out your mistake not just your family but your haters too. I think thats sort of how arabella was feeling when people doubted her.

Dragon Daughter | Liz Flanagan
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03/29/21 - 04/02/21
Fantasy Fiction
I got this book from scholastic before Covid-19 I wasn't much of a reader back then so I decided to take a chance on this book. The cover seemed appealing to me. There is lots of drama within this book. Milla the main charater has no family and she is a servent in a wealthy mans home, while she was out cleaning a bag is dropped in front of her before the man is killed which is the start of her adventure.

Incendiary | Zoraida Cordova
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03/15/21 - 03/19/21
Fantasy Fiction
This book was very Interesting and I choose it because I searched books simlar to a series I liked and I stumbled upon this. This book is a definiate recomedation if your the person that loves action and fanstasy. Within the story there are many relationships and growth of the main charater in the book. The Author uses very descriptive words and always leaves you on a clift hanger making you want to read more.

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02/15 - 02/20
Fantasy/ Fairytale
I was hooked when I read the first sentance the writer showed me the scene instead of telling it to me in a blunt and boring way. I have to admit I slowly started to lose motavation to read it but I was determined to find out what would happen to these two friends. I chose this book as a pick becayse it taught me that once you find your worth with the help of friends and family you only need them to be pure.

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02/01 - 02/05
I think the author started they way he did to hook the reader in and not be able to take there eyes off the book. I belive he did a splended job of pulling the reader into the book once I started to read I couldn't put it down. In the book it shows not tell how scared people are when children dissapear and instead of telling the whole plot you need to look deeper to find the message within the book.

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Every four years two children are kidnapped one for good and one for evil. Sophie wants to be kidnapped by the schools master for the school of good and evil. While everyone else prepares many locks on their door and go to sleep Sophie sneaks to her best friend Agathas house. Hoping to be kidnapped and join the school.

Pax | Sara Pennypacker
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Pax was a book that I looked into because it was realated to animals. Espeically since it had an award I thought it would be a good read. This book was about a fox trying to get back to his owner and completling changllges along the way. It didn't intrest me much because there wasn't much verbal communication in the book .Pax was a heartwarming story. There is a clearly a strong bond with Pax and his human.

Impostors | Scott Westerfeld
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Fiction, Adventure, Mystery, Drama
I chose this book because I thought it the plot was intriguing. Two sisters with completely different personalities but one is shown to the world while the other is the imposter. Already from this little tidbit of information I wondered what this story would be about. This was definitely a go to book for me. I'd recommend it if you are an outgoing person wondering what it's like to be in the shadows.

Notorious | Gordon Korman
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Humor, Fiction, Mystery
I chose this book because I wasn't quite sure what notorious ment but I knew it meant something bad. Zarabeth and Keenan are trying to figure out if Barney was murdered. I never really read mystery stories but I decided to give this one a go because the book cover was a dog, although I wondered why there was a dark shadow behind the dog. I'm assuming that is Barney and on the front in color is Barney two.

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When Brystal discovers that she isn't like everyone else her life completely turns around. With the help of Mme Wetherberry and her friends will she be able to overcome the dangers that are headed towards her or will she fail and lose everything she has worked so hard to get? In this book the writer displayed and showed me a whole new perspective on magic even though the characters were simple. The main message is that anything is possible.

A Tale of Magic... | Chris Colfer

11/16 - 11/20
The author in this story uses very descriptive words like glimmering, trees so thick you can barely see, etc. I visualized what it was like to live in the four kingdoms of Magic. Especially what it was like for King Champion when all of his servants disappeared and Mme Weadlerberry showed up with 2 students that she had taken care of. I could picture and imagine King Champions shock because if that happened to me I would be spooked

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A Tale of Magic... | Chris Colfer
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10/26 - 10/30
Well considering the fact that their is magic involved no.I don't think that these events will happen in real life.Considering the fact that I've only read the prologue and one chapter and based off the books title. This story is about magic that flows within you and everyone has a piece of them that is special but I don't think anyone can just convoquer up a unicorn carriage out of nowhere.I can tell by the choice of words he uses.

Kiana24 This is a FIction book 4y
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The Storm Runner | J.C. Cervantes
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Fantasy Fiction
I had this book sitting on my shelf for a while since I stopped reading last year but this introduced Maya Mythology. I've never really heard about it before but I was fascinated by the facts and history. It is a Non - Fiction and Fiction book. The gods names she used in this book are in fact true. When you search up Ah puch you'll see that he was the God of death and ruler of the underworld. I definitely recommend this book.

bella.bruvthjbf im so sad that this series is ending 😔 4y
Kiana24 @bella.bruvthjbf me too
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The Storm Runner | J.C. Cervantes

The story could take place in the underworld, in another volcano, A different place in Mexico. The main place where many people believe in Maya Mythology is Mexico so if it was in Canada it wouldn't make sense.I think that maybe less people would believe in it if this was later in the future and Zane would have talked to His friends. I can related this to when I went to banff and saw the mountains the volcano reminds me of this.

The Storm Runner | J.C. Cervantes
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10/05 - 10/09
The characters in this book remind me of my Grandfather. He has recently died and when Zane Obispo loses Roise it reminds me of how I lost my Grandfather. He had already been in lots of medications but he was brave about it. I saw that he looked scared but never showed it.Rosie saved Zane from a demon runner and that's pretty brave. Roise reminds me that when you find the right person or animal for you they will do anything.

The Storm Runner | J.C. Cervantes

I chose this book because it introduces you to maya mythology and I've never heard about this before so I decided I wanted to learn about it. So far the author has talked about Zane Obispo leg problem and how he has a volcano in his backyard.I will put more details once I finish reading the book.