So I just watched the new Goosebumps movie and just wanted to share some of my Goosebumps books I still have.
Got these wonderful books in the mail on Saturday!! Can't wait to start reading them!!
Started this lasnt night and so far I love it!!
The White Queen By Philippa Gregory. #bookworm #booklover #philippagregory #thewhitequeen
Books and flowers. Today I wanted something cheery. #bookworm #booksandflowers
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain. #bookworm #booklover #marktwain #Huckleberryfinn
Reading this lovely book. Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. #bookworm #booklover #janeausten #prideandprejudice
Got thisbtoday out of a free bin at a library. Alfred Hitchcock's Tales To Send Chills Down Your Spine. #bookworm #booklover #alfredhitchcock
I finally found this book. I've been searching for it for what seems like forever. Its Marie Antoinette The Journey by Antoina Fraser. #bookworm #booklover #antoniafraser #marieantoinette
Decided to take a picture with my beardie today. Turns out she's a grump today. #grumpybeardie #corneliafunke #inkheart #bookworm #booklover
My next read: A Shattered Moment By Tiffany King. #bookworm #tiffanyking #ashatteredmoment #booklover