The truth is that the writing quality and side mystery isn't the best. But this novel wins my vote for its portrayal of both a homosexual transgender main character, as well as an /asexual/ main character. This book gave a voice to asexual teenage experiences that has been missing in the YA market. It's not the only voice, we need more, but it's an amazing start and I'm so proud of the author for being a pioneer in writing asexuality for teens.
I adored this book! I got a copy of the ebook through LibraryThing and was very impressed by it. It's amazing LGBT international YA lit. It focuses on a boy in South Africa who struggles with his sexuality and abuse at home, and is so well-written. Extremely excited that it's a trilogy and can't wait for the next book to come out.
So good. I laughed, I cried, I shrieked. It was a really great ending to the series and not completely what I expected to see happen. Some parts felt obvious, others managed to take me by surprise. I'm not sure I fully understood the different aspects of how the magic and mythology all worked in the end which was a small issue, but overall just a very fun and interesting end to the series.
I'll be honest, I wasn't a fan of the first book. It revolted me with a lot of the rape romanticism even though I tried to understand the author was writing a world where these were the customs. The plot interested me enough to continue and I'm glad I did. The second book was a lot less rape-fueled and included more of the slow build, political historical romance I was looking for. The series has issues for me, but overall I enjoyed reading it.
This book was cute, and a decent enough children's book, but not as enjoyable as I'd hoped. There were some grammatical and syntax issues, as well as issues with world building and plot development feeling authentic and easy to follow. The ending was more interesting than I expected, and it made me curious about the future of the four kids. I also like that it's more science fiction than fantasy for young girls. Need more SF for that demographic.
This book was extremely cute. There were a few grammatical issues and typos in the edition I read, some strange syntax/names being accidentally interchanged at least once, but the overall writing style was very fluid and enjoyable. Very good use of the enemies to friends to lovers trope. I also loved the playlist the author included in the back of the book. Read the entire book in one afternoon and had a lot of fun doing so, would read again.
Another great dark fae story from Black. Very fun, easy to follow, and it gets bonus points from me for the seamless inclusion of LGBT+ rep that's normalized rather than being the focal point/issue of the novel. Great female representation, highly enjoyable, and a fast read that I never put down.
I didn't expect to like this novel as much as I did. I read Carry On first and my love for it convinced me to give its origin a try. It felt like such an authentic take on the life of someone immersed in fandom. Not just for popular content creators (like our protagonist), but any fan girl/boy. A++
I adore this book. It's very obviously mimicking Harry Potter, but that's the point since it's a story based off a fake fandom in the author's previous novel. Even though it mimics Harry Potter, it still manages to be unique and executes a very different plot by the end. Very fun and LGBT inclusive.
"He's not a monster. He's just a villain. He's not a villain. He's just a boy."
"Simon Snow, I choose you." Snow doesn‘t flinch or soften. For a moment, I think he is going to take a swing at me- or bash his rock-hard head against mine. Instead he shoves his face into mine and kisses me. It‘s still a challenge.
I absolutely adore this book. I read it about two years ago now and I still constantly use it for reference when discussing Wicca.
The best gift I could've received. So excited to read this now that I've finished the third book in the cycle. Thank you, Shauna.
I found this quote to really capture that feeling of such an intense friendship that everything you do is done together. The closest sort of best friendship, almost to the point of co-dependence. I love how the essence of this concept and the emotions surrounding it were handled.
This book is so useful and also really entertaining! Tons of reference material from the types of plus used in each country, to useful phrases in multiple languages, information on CPR, different exercises. It's a reference book for traveling, but also a great reference book for life. Fun pictures.