This book sounded so good and I'm so disappointed! I hated every single one of the characters.....no one really had a redeeming quality for me. This is the only book I've read of this author, so I'm hoping her other books are better
This book sounded so good and I'm so disappointed! I hated every single one of the characters.....no one really had a redeeming quality for me. This is the only book I've read of this author, so I'm hoping her other books are better
The only real redeeming quality for this book was the twist at the end.....other than that I had a really hard time connecting with the characters. The writing seemed kinda surface level. It was a quick and easy read if that is what you are looking for and she did leave it open ended for a potential sequel...
I loved this book, it was the perfect mix of creepy suspense and historical as well. I just don't know how I felt about the ending......I have mixed feelings, but definitely a must read!
"If snow melts down to water, does it still remember being snow?"
I tore through this book in a day and a half! It literally keeps you on the edge of your seat wanting more!
"Its not about denial, its about survival. Maybe you need to be in a little bit of denial to survive. We have to survive, and you know how we survive? By putting one foot in front of the other"
Such a phenomenal read! I'm pretty much the only one in my group who has liked the ending so far. This is destined to become a classic, very reminiscent of Harper Lee
"That's what sisters and girlfriends are all about, sticking together even in the mud, 'specially in the mud"
I loved this book from beginning to end! Very different from the traditional Nora Roberts books, but she should step out of the box more often because she does this genre very well!
Best reading buddy....This is Zelie, named after one of my favorite characters of all time in Children of Blood and Bone
This book was really tedious to read for the first 500 or so pages.....but I stuck with it because this series has been absolutely amazing otherwise.....The last 200 pages though.....worth it! Definitely a good ending
"The fear of loss....it can destroy you as much as the loss itself"
A fast paced thrill ride from start to finish.....Definitely a must read!! Great book club selection as well....I'm looking forward to discussing it with my group
Ughhhh.....This book was the best in the series so far! It got me a lot closer to some of the characters that I didn't really care for. This one definitely kept me up way too late for the past few nights!
"When you shatter the chains of this world and forge the next, remember that art is as vital as food to a kingdom. Without it, a kingdom is nothing and will be forgotten by time.
Really cute!! Very sugary sweet romance that is a really quick fun read! Definitely going to pick up her other books as well
Well.....You read along thinking you have it figured out.....and then....WHAM! He throws a huge curveball at the end.....Definitely highly recommended!
Ughhhh.....So freaking amazing! There was many a tear shed while reading this one
This was such a phenomenal read! I loved the twists and turns and intricate details. I devoured the last 150 pages in 1 evening! Definitely a must read
This is my second journey through the Throne of Glass series.....and it still is just as good as reading it for the first time. The world just swallows you whole and I lose all track of time and my surroundings.......
"Where do men find it in themselves to do such monstrous things? How do they find it acceptable?
"We'll make them pay for it in the end"
Oh my goodness......I say this about all of her books....but so good. The only thing I wasn't a fan of was the writing style of this book....I prefer the characters broken into chapters instead of the time frame.....But the ending of this book.....HOLY CRAP! Blew me out of the water! Well done Jodi Picoult!!
"This is what it means to be human, We are all just canvases for our scars"
I only have 2 words......Incredibly Powerful! I see this author becoming the next big classic author......This book was beautifully written and it was slow paced enough to enjoy her carefully selected scenes etc....but fast paced enough to hold your attention...
" I'll never forget, I'll never give up. I'll never be quiet. I promise.
This book is so relevant to the world that we live in today with so many injustices that happen on a daily basis. I loved how this book was written from the perspective of the person who ends up having to deal with the grief of witnessing the injustice firsthand. Racism is ugly, and this book deals with it very well
"Sometimes you can do everything right, and things will still go wrong. The key is to never stop doing right."
This book like his first in this series was really amazing for historical fiction. The ending of this one however....made me a little irritated and cause much discussion in my book club as to what truly happened. I'm not going to spoil anything and let you interpret for yourselves, but definitely worth a read!
This book was awesome......I can't give it an all out rave because it left me wanting more, but I'm a huge fan of this type of writing. Creepy, mysterious, keeps you up until 2AM because you have to find out what happens.....definitely recommend!
I cannot speak highly enough about this book. I had never read this author before, and it was a great introduction to her. I love that she made this book completely and totally about the victims of the massacre, not the actual act. Very moving
It took absolutely forever for this book to get going, it takes many chapters for characters to make decisions which makes me a little crazy sometimes. However, it turned out to be a pretty good book, definitely had shades of Handmaid's Tale, which is why I picked this up to begin with. Not horrible, just didn't love it
Really good historical fiction read! Not one I would have picked up on my own, I read this for book club. I normally don't enjoy this genre, but this was a pleasant surprise
I cannot say enough about how fantastic this book was! It has undertones of issues that are going on in the world today, but Tomi portrays them extremely well as to not beat you over the head with it. I even named my newest kitten Zelie. Probably one of the best books I've read since Harry Potter.
Oh my goodness......I finished this book in 2 days! Such a great read with a really cool twist at the end. Reminded me a little bit of Gone Girl....Definitely one to pick up
This book!!! Loved from beginning to end!!! I'm really excited for Priory of the Orange Tree in February!!
This series is amazing! While this book started off a little bit slow....and I found myself putting it down a lot more than Bone Season, The ending.....Oh my goodness!! So good!!!
AMAZING!!!!!!!!! Must read........Its a little slow to pick up in the first few chapters but then it hooks you and doesn't let go!
"All will go to plan Paige. You should not give up hope." He looked at the stage. " Hope is the one thing that might still save us all"