So good. #thelastone
"All I can see is the back of my tears."
I'm loving this book so far. Already on page 57 and it feels like I just sat down to start. If you like alternating narratives and lots of action, this one is for you!
"Enjoy - the girl is a basket case, but it's an interesting read" - note found tucked in my library copy of The Woman in Cabin 10
I've moved from reading "The Girl..." books to "The Woman..." books. Really growing up in my 29th year ?
Starting The Heart Goes Last while sitting on the beach on vacation. Does life get better? Probably not :) #margaretatwood
"But for the rest of her life, Esi would see a smile...and remember...how white men smiling just meant more evil was coming with the next wave." This book so far. Wow. I've had a few moments where I've had to put the book down to process and I'm only on page 49!
Hotel reading. I zoomed through to see what happened to Gretchen and Abby. Their teenage friendship reminded me of mine (before the possession at least). I liked that the title pulled you in with the promise of an exorcism, but the book was really about this strong adolescent friendship that fell apart over time.
This was a pick for next month's book club and I'm excited to talk about it. I was intrigued by the premise of the book. The main character's voice was authentic and made me remember being a teenager, but I ended up wanting more from the story than we got.