In depth, educational, and inspirational. This awesome work is part text book, part recipe book, and a whole lotta useful!
In depth, educational, and inspirational. This awesome work is part text book, part recipe book, and a whole lotta useful!
I didn't think it was possible to love Heather Crosby more after her first Yum Universe book, but I do. I really do. This book is literally how my brain thinks: ingredients are written but flexible; vary the amounts based on what's on hand; "handful" is a measurement. This book makes me so happy and I was also so happy to be asked to help test recipes as this book was being written. It was certainly a an honor and a privilege.
Part textbook, part cookbook Heather Crosby's Yum Universe is a book unlike any other. The depth and detail about nutrition and her love of food in these chapters is written in such a way that engages everyone, not just those already on the healthy bandwagon.
This is my go-to cookbook for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I've made every recipe at least once...and I make the Sunday Night Quickie Chocolate Chip Cookies at least once a week (but not always on a Sunday;)). I would recommend this cookbook equally to those with specialized diets and those without: the recipes (especially the Veggie Chow Mania and the UnShepard's Pie) are suitable and customizable for all diets. My rating? A++++
One of my all time favorite "take it with you on the trail" herb guides. Easy to read, to the point, and lots of photographs. Not bad for the B&N bargain bin!
Vermont based drama about farm life. I'm looking forward to a local-to-me setting in this novel.
Just picked this up under recommendation from my local bookseller. Excited to get lost in a new world.
A light and airy read, this book is perfect for chilly September days spent out among the falling leaves. A predictable love story, the reason this book is palatable is because of the quick pace, delicious subject matter, and charming details. A few factual flubs however: bark mulch would never be listed for free in VT (it's worth $$) and VT cell phone service isn't as sparce in reality as you're led to believe in this book. Overall: Enjoyable!