I'm loving this book, recommended by @jess.how and my favorite historical romance author Eloisa James 👍🏼👏🏼
My current audio book is Being Wrong, for a traveling book club. Just finished the Louise Penny book tonight on audio. We've started Harry Potter (to read as a family) for the 4th time. My eldest my finally be into it. And one true loves fort my local book club.
The creepiest story line of the series yet.
I didn't find myself LOLing, as BOTM thought I would. Overall good story, believable characters.
My favorite read for May. I finished theses for books in May. Listed in order of preference (clockwise)
Trying to remember (& believe) this as I continue my job search :)
Started this evening ☺️
I never totally finished the KonMarie process of tidying. Checked this out on audio for a quick review. I need to revisit clothes and books, but REALLY need to get through the last three areas...
My picks from Modern Mrs Darcy's Summer Reading guide.
I'm not very motivated to do anything but read. Continuing my Gamache binge.
Audio book + noise canceling headphones + cross stitch + Pinot Gris = trying to relax and ignore two crazy little boys
Day 13: Mystery Love. #17booklove I've just recently started reading a mystery series, Louise Penny's Inspecteur Gamache series 💜. My first mystery series was Nancy Drew. This one was my favorite.
Book club pick for this month. What's super cool is that I checked this out from the library 30 minutes before the next read was announced at book club. This copy was waiting on the shelf for me.
I really liked this book; the quirky characters, the relationships.
Day 7: Love to re-read, Bridget Jones's Diary. My love is true. Copies of book owned, 3, paper, kindle, audible. Times read in full: at least 5 times. Calories burned while laughing, while reading: 556 approximately. Cigarettes: 0, Wt: enough, Shags: enough for two kids 😝😊 Bridget is VG. #17booklove
Day 6: Love to Hate. #17booklove I really enjoyed Gone Girl. Nick and Amy are both terrible people, but I enjoyed them so much. I loved hating them. They deserved making each other miserable. It's like The Twits for adults.
Day 5 #17booklove Fiction Love. Here are some of my favorite fiction reads over the past year.
All I know about Camelot is from the play and Monty Python. Starting with this Children's book
Loved the book! Discussing at book club tonight