Simple Things, a Christian middle-grade novel
Author and illustrator, JD Holiday
Simple Things, a Christian middle-grade novel
Author and illustrator, JD Holiday
A Wonderful Review of SIMPLE THINGS by FRAN LEWIS!
#goodreads #amreading #wordpress
Living In The Backup Plan: Part 2
#goodreads #amreading #wordpress
This is the trailer for my sequel to Janoose The Goose. JANOOSE and the FALL FEATHER FAIR I wrote with my grandson when he was 7. #goodreads #amreading
Truth As Strange As Fiction: Walking A Mile In Her Shoes, Part 1
Part 2
I have finished reading the Charlie Chan books and some of the American novelist and playwright's other works. I can't say enough about Author Biggers. He was a superb writer and his well structured stories have great pacing. Though many of his works were written and not at the time historical stories, today Biggers stories give the readers a great sense of the time they were written in. Please go to http://jdswritersblog.blogspot.com
This is one of my favorite Christie's books. The atmosphere was one of the reasons. I found the stories that Christie set in foreign places made that place seem like one of the characters.
My second best of DeMille's books after the Lion's Game.
A great thriller. One of DeMille's best. I loved this along with its sequel.
This is a great read. You can picture yourself getting into a sticky situation and becoming afraid for your life.
Love the story. It has been a go to book and movie, the 1950s version, each Christmas.
Loved this book. As someone alive during the Vietnam war, this story surrounds the theory many believed, that captured men were taken to either China or Russia and used in just the way laid out in DeMille's story.
Sad, and hard to deal with the hard life of the characters. Really.
Love this one best by Jane Austen.
Great I wrote and illustrated it with my grandson.
A picture book. http://jdholiday.blogspot.com
4 Christmas!
4 sale!