I found the cutest bookstore on my beach trip! We have come here every year since I was little and I never knew about this gem. And naturally I had to pick up a few reads ❤️
I found the cutest bookstore on my beach trip! We have come here every year since I was little and I never knew about this gem. And naturally I had to pick up a few reads ❤️
After a very, long and stressful Saturday I need to be with Layken and Will❤️
After reading Slammed I wasn't sure I could love two characters more. The story is "real" as far as romance books go. It's down to the nitty gritty of relationships and life and dealing with all the things life throws at you. I have laughed, cried and felt the joy of both Lakeyn and Will. This is second book in the Slammed series; don't forget to read that one too!
Also help me name this kitten; we have had her for a week already!
If it was physically possible to throat punch a fictional character Vaughn would be the one 😡
Dear heart,
Are you ready?
Also featuring Bella(named from twilight)
Who else buys multiple publications of their favorite book?
If you want your heart ripped out, stomped on and then duct taped back together. Read this book.