This book made me cry. It was raw and emotional. Such a good fall read for me
This book made me cry. It was raw and emotional. Such a good fall read for me
It was a quick read, but it also encouraged a lot of self thinking. It's a tale of a boy to follow the omens of the world to fulfill his dreams. Along the long journey to Egypt the boy is faced with trails. Very good read.
It was a page turner for me because it was like being in the minds of the killers. This is a must read.
In this incredible page turner, Homer H. Hickman Junior and his friends build rockets that practically touch the sky. This memoir tells the story Coalwood, West Virginia, and the lives that lived there. The Rocket Boys are truly an inspiration to never stop dreaming, and working for what you want in life.
Half way done with this book! A review will be out soon! Definitely a page turner.