I really liked this. And not just because of the titular character, but also because of Blackheart. They're both charming. Thanks to @Chachic for the recommendation!
I really liked this. And not just because of the titular character, but also because of Blackheart. They're both charming. Thanks to @Chachic for the recommendation!
Feast your eyes on this beauty! And it's finally mine! :)
I knew I should have rethought this dinner. I feel bad I had to leave some of the pancake behind. Oh, and I just cracked this book. So far, it's enchanting.
I loved it, I loved it, I loved it. That is all. Oh, and I'd like to see the HBO series now, please.
I'm finally reading my first Liane Moriarty, and by golly, I'm really liking it! So many angry women. (In my parlance, angry woman is a good thing.) Meanwhile, this angry woman is enjoying some calming raspberry and rose hips tea.
Delicious ghost story. Though I would preferred it scarier. Still, it gave me some creeps while reading it at 1AM on Halloween.
Setting up my Halloween reads. After I finish La Farge's Lovecraft homage, that is (this is the manuscript). Saw that Stephen King loved "A Head Full of Ghosts," so that should prove interesting. And Wyldling Hall comes highly rated on Amazon. Both books are currently $1.99, btw, so grab 'em if that's your jam.
It reminded me of Stoner. Though it wasn't Stoner. Which made me sad. But also happy that a book reminded me of Stoner.:) I would've wanted more stuff about how Old Filth became a legend at the Bar, but I loved the other little reveals about his relationships.
Been a while since I was here, but I kind of missed it.:) Also, while I was admiring my stack of galleys, I'm pretty happy to be reading something that wasn't published very recently. Enjoying Old Filth so far. Charming, funny, and partly set in Asia, so there's that.:)
I loved it. I did. And I attest to the un-put-downability. Slept at 5AM with roughly 100 pages left, then finished it during an email lull this afternoon. I don't necessarily like the main characters, but I love them together. And it's a fairy tale! I think I needed a fairy tale about now.
Piled them all up, because I couldn't decide which one to read next. The nice thing about galleys, though, is that they have the pub dates on the spine, so I picked the nearest one. It's on to MONSTERS: A LOVE STORY by Liz Kay. It's said to be a cross between Jojo Moyes and Entourage, so let's see.
I do like the tone, but it got too messy for me towards the end (pun intended).
I was all set to like this and I did, for the most part. It was easy-to-read literary fiction. But after passing the middle, I began wondering what it all meant. Just a group of siblings who couldn't grow up bec of money they were promised? I much preferred the siblings' significant others.
I know this, what Parkhurst talks about. I know what the mother is going through. I know the things you know but still question, bec the situation is not the understanding of a moment or even a few years, but, I suspect, a lifetime. In other words, Harmony is hitting a little too close to home.
I loved it. Especially freaky, more so than the first book. This time, the main action is happening in a hidden village in Japan's suicide forest (a real place, btw. Read a few Wikipedia articles abt it and ghosts in Japan. Fascinating.) Anyway, ghost girls galore and a curse. Delicious stuff.
Currently reading this and it's freaking me out. Which I love. Nevertheless, I'm taking a short break. And i love that it's making me do that bec I don't really get freaked out by horror books much, so when I do, it's great.
This was my first John Corey Whaley book, and now, I want to read his other stuff. I loved Solomon and how he dealt. I loved how real Lisa and Clark felt. I loved how funny they all were. And that ending made me tear up. Also, I really get this cover now.:)
Been jumping around across a few books the past two days, but I'm latching on to this one. Solomon is agoraphobic, but he's found a way to deal. Unless the girl who wants to cure him and use him as her college application essay messes it up. Liking the characters so far!