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Joined May 2016

Just a girl with too much time on her hands📚
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Armada: A Novel by Ernest Cline
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The Gunslinger by Stephen King
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I know I‘m in between books, but at my college there‘s a book discussion on this book so I just HAD to get on board on that.

I‘ve heard both good and terrible things about both the book and the movie.

I am going into a biased state of mind reading this because of all of the negative comments towards the making of the movie.

#adogspurpose #biased #bookdiscussion

Armada: A Novel | Ernest Cline

"These new helmets can read your thoughts too, but you have to think in Russian"
I love that made me laugh hard enough to disturb my classmates.

The Gunslinger | Stephen King

I've never been a huge fan of Stephen King's work. I'm trying really hard to power through this book hoping it'll make more sense and become less daunting.
I honestly only bought this book because it was going to become a movie.


This book helped me a lot to start up my life again. Also helped me a whole lot with my final which I have not gotten the grade for, but I'm hoping for at least a B.
I would recommend this book if you've never read a self help book before. This one book sums up all self help books combine.


If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at peace, you are living in the present.
-Lao Tzu

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Started reading this for both school and personal life. My final in my Management class is about "Managing Yourself". I thought about hey I could use this book as a reference.
Also I've decided to try and change my life around too! I started working out at a gym and I joined the SGA at my college.


It was a pretty decent book.
It was very fast paced, full of interesting history facts and fairytales, but also dull.
The main character wasn't very appealing to me. I kind of wished it was about the Captain more than Nix. It would have been a much darker take. But nonetheless it was a decent story.

Elisa I am reading it now, and I'm finding her kind of dull too. I'm only 18% in but I feel like asking her "so... why should I keep reading about you, again?" ? 7y
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After a few weeks I finally had time to finish this book!

Awake | Natasha Preston
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I loved this book as much as "The Cellar"
The whole "love" thing was a bit much to me, but then again I'm not a very touchy feel type person.
I liked how you could read from both point of views from Scarlet and Noah.

RadicalReader @EmiisBooks I enjoyed reading The Cellar truly a gripping read and I got a vibe of the two twins in the novel The Shining that dressed alike and talked in sync 7y
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Awake | Natasha Preston
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On page 101 right now.
Is it a cult?
I think it's a cult.
It seems to me like the murdery type cult.

Awake | Natasha Preston
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I really enjoyed reading "The Cellar".
I hope this book is just as good!

RadicalReader @EmiisBooks I love when you get so caught up in a novel and hope it is the gateway to more fantastic pieces 7y
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Ouija | Katharine Turner
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The book was written out as though you were watching a movie, so I can understand why people liked the movie so much.
I gotta say it was pretty spooky 👻
But I guess my problem with it was everyone was killed off so fast and it didn't flow right. Even Lanine wasn't reacting so much when her other friends died or even her BOYFRIEND! I mean come on...
I hope at the end she did die because I think she was a poorly written character.

Ouija | Katharine Turner
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Going to read this today since it seems short and I heard good things about the movie. I'm hoping the book will be a decent read!

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There's quit a bit of grammar problems within the writing, but other than that it was an alright book.
If you liked the MOVIE "The DUFF" then I think you'll like this book.
I love the fact that the main character is half Korean. I enjoy books that have main characters that are not white. No offense, but there comes a time when a white character gets boring and becomes unrelatable.

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Silence | Shusaku Endo
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Bookstore haul 😍📚

I've already read The 5th Wave but I wanted my own copy since I like the series. 👽

The Handmaid's Tale | Margaret Atwood
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I might be one of the few to think this but I didn't really "love" this book.
I understand that this is a dystopian type book and that it brings up a lot of political issues. But that's exactly why I had to give this 3 stars. There wasn't enough information on how it came to be this way. Also the beginning is really slow and towards the end the story picks up speed. Once at the end there's a pretty huge cliff hanger.

The Handmaid's Tale | Margaret Atwood
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I'm going to try again and read this book!
I've seen a lot of recommendations for this book and how it's a "must read" for this year.
The beginning has always thrown me off and seems dull and boring to me.
But I'm going to push through! ??

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Flowers for Algernon | Daniel Keyes

Such an interesting book! I have no words to really explain what I've gone through while reading this, but I'm pretty calm right now. I almost cried at the end as well.

Flowers for Algernon | Daniel Keyes

I'm getting emotionally attached to the story and my heart is aching from the flashbacks. 😓💔

Flowers for Algernon | Daniel Keyes
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Next in my reading list is this classic. ?
Credit to Mr.Nubbs for posing the book for me ?

I also got this new beautiful bookmark with an Oscar Wilde quote "With freedom, flowers, books, and the moon, who could not be perfectly happy?"


I absolutely loved this book! My heart is still racing because of the last few chapters! I highly recommend this to anyone!
P.S. If you have any knowledge of the 80s it makes the book feel real in a sense.

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Reading this book has made me want to listen to 80's hits for the last couple of days.
Today I drove around my town blasting the music because who's really going to be made at the classics? Plus it was a really nice day😎☀️

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Recommenation from my brother again, but it's really just from my cousin.
Sounds super interesting! 😁

Gone Girl | Gillian Flynn
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Wow. Just wow.
I'm glad I waited for the hype if this book to go down; otherwise I would have hated it. I actually enjoyed it! Super crazy! I honestly am afraid for their child. I'm afraid that Amy will just one day turn on Nick by harming their child.
I highly recommend this book, especially if you didn't watch the movie. Which I'm about to watch right now.

Gone Girl | Gillian Flynn
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My Valentines day so far

Gone Girl | Gillian Flynn

I know being on page 88 out of 415 isn't a good place to cast judgement on characters, but I'm really starting to dislike Nick.

Gone Girl | Gillian Flynn
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My brother told me is was a great movie and book.
I've read some comments on how people love to hate on the main characters.
Also now that the hype of this book has died down; I can now peacefully enjoy this 😌

Cuckoo Song | Frances Hardinge

I really liked this book. It was a nice "change" ? from other scary type fantasy books I've read. I would say I would have given it 5 ⭐️s if the ending was different, but it was a nice clean ending. I would recommend this book for anyone who likes folk lore.

Cuckoo Song | Frances Hardinge
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Started reading this since I came an hour and 30 minutes early to school. 🤷🏽‍♀️

scripturient This has been on my list for a while. Looking forward to your review. :) 7y
Mdargusch That cover - so creepy. 7y
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The Cellar | Natasha Preston
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I highly recommend reading this book!

It was fast paced and I got sucked into the story. Scenes would happen so fast I had to reread what had happened.
I do wish though that I could read the trial or what Colin/Clover was thinking afterwards.
I felt really bad for Rose (Shannen)...reading Summer's (Lily's) story which was 7 and a half months can't compare to the 3 years Rose was with him.

The Cellar | Natasha Preston

I like how you can read in Summer's point of view along with Clover and Lewis.

I love stories that have different points of view. Especially when the villain/ bad guy are included.

A really great example would be The Lunar Chronicles series when the Queen had a book written especially for her background and point of view. ❤

The Cellar | Natasha Preston
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Started reading this last night, really fast paced. 👌

ReadingVampire Good to know, this is on my tbr. 7y
RadicalReader @EmiisBooks looking forward to this book came up as first book selection for horror thriller novels on google 7y
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Replica | Lauren Oliver

I really enjoyed reading this book. Though the beginning caught me then started to lose me a bit, it was made up afterwards. (If that makes any sense?)
I can't wait for the second book to come out!
I really want to know everything about Haven at this point.

Replica | Lauren Oliver
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I'm glad that Lyra isn't Gemma's replica and that they're just in it together.
Though I'm still wondering if Gemma is really human or a clone from a dead daughter? Or maybe the clones were to be her spare parts?!
So much that could happen!

wanderlustywriter I had that same theory! Just finished the book, and I hear there's a sequel! 7y
EmiisBooks @wanderlustywriter Do you know when the sequel is coming out? Also I'm glad that I'm not the only one who thought of that. Every time I read an article about the progress of cloning it's always the fact that it can be helpful to both researching in medicine and science. But then there's the thing about human rights and "what ifs". How did you like twist on why they were assumed to be created for? 7y
wanderlustywriter @EmiisBooks October according to Amazon. That twist I did not see coming at all! Have you read Never Let Me Go? Very different book but raises similar questions 7y
EmiisBooks @wanderlustywriter I have not but I'll add it to the list! 🙂 7y
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Doomed | Chuck Palahniuk

I think the second book was too much. It all happened in one day. A lot of flashbacks and horrid scenes. And the ending was made too quickly to make sense.

I had high hopes for the sequel, but I guess that was my mistake.

Doomed | Chuck Palahniuk
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I'm going to start reading the sequel to 'Damned' by Chuck Palahniuk.
I want to see where he's going with this story.

Damned | Chuck Palahniuk

Review continued...
The plot is a bit out there, but if you try to just focus on the main character's development it is a fun read.
I found this book interesting and funny! Maybe something is wrong with me, but I was told it was a fun read!

Damned | Chuck Palahniuk

This book was a hell of a read (pun intended)!
I enjoyed the character development. Some people might not like how the main character is 13 years old, but I think it's okay.
There is a Breakfast Club type thing going on, but it's only surrounding the main character and nothing like what we know as the Breakfast Club.
I LOVED Chuck's version of how Hell is and how you can be "Damned" to it!
‼️WARNING-Might be too crude for some readers‼️

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Damned | Chuck Palahniuk

Something before I write my review on this book.

Some advice, don't read the summary of what the story is about. You will be disappointed if you go into reading this if you think it's just like the breakfast club, but in Hell. I'll spoil it for you; it's not.
It is a crude book, so it might not be for everyone.
Also at chapter 28 page 184, things escalate quickly!

Damned | Chuck Palahniuk

This booking isn't what I was expecting, but I want to know how this will end!

Not bailing this time!

Damned | Chuck Palahniuk
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Interesting view on Hell!

Candy and sweets are currency and there's an ocean of sperm, bugs, and hills of clipped toenails/ fingernails!

Damned | Chuck Palahniuk
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My brother recommended this book to me.

He says it's basically like the Breakfast Club but in Hell.
He also says it's funny, so I guess I'll see if this book can turn my mood around from the previous horrid book I read!

Haters | Alisa Valdes-Rodriguez

Really did not find this book interesting or original. Reading the book made me cringe a lot and it felt very basic.
The random psychic ability the main character has was the downfall of my appeal to the story.
At that point I was forcing myself to read the story hoping it would get better, but sadly it did not.

Haters | Alisa Valdes-Rodriguez

I went into reading this book because I thought it was a "normal" high school fiction story like 'The Hate List' or 'The Duff'. But with the introduction of the book I was not told that the main character was psychic and would impact her school life.

I'm slowly losing interest in this book, but I'll keep reading to see if t gets better.

Looking for Alaska | John Green
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⭐️⭐️⭐️💫 (3.5)
I always enjoyed John Green's writing, but this probably isn't one of my favorites.
The story didn't grasp me like the other's he's written, though that might be because I have not dealt with the pain of losing a friend through a tragic ending.
I also didn't like Alaska too much. She was a vague character, I know that was her thing, but I enjoy more detailed characters.
The ending to this book was very life like.

Fight Club | Chuck Palahnuik
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Going to read this to my boyfriend for the next couple of days💕
He's dyslexic and loves to read. But has some trouble with reading for fun along with studying.
He thinks it's cute that I read to him and I love having someone to read with and enjoy the book with me😍

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Drag Teen | Jeffery Self

I was originally going to give this book 3 ⭐️, but I really loved the message towards young LGBTQ+ teens. Even though we live in a time if acceptance and more understanding of people who are part of the LGBTQ+ community there is still a lack of confidence that teens naturally just have. This book seems to bring a good note towards just loving yourself.

Drag Teen | Jeffery Self
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A friend recommended this book to me.

Let's see if I can finish it today!