Humans. For the most part, you are dull and blundering. But occasionally, you can be remarkably bright creatures. Marcellus said this towards the end of the book. For some reason it makes me laugh.
Humans. For the most part, you are dull and blundering. But occasionally, you can be remarkably bright creatures. Marcellus said this towards the end of the book. For some reason it makes me laugh.
I did not like the ending of this book. It seemed rather abrupt. Also, I looked to see how much of this story is true. Hedy actually sent her “adopted” son to boarding school at the age of 11, and never spoke to him again. She also left him out of her will. The adopted son may actually be her real son.
This book left me in tears because I wish I had a friend like Ravi. How blessed I would be if only I had a friend like him.
I‘m not sure I liked the ending. There‘s one part that bothers me but I don‘t want to ask anyone about it because I don‘t want to spoil the ending for anyone currently reading this book.
Well, I must have liked it because I read all of it in 24 hours. I didn‘t get much else accomplished except for a couple of loads of laundry:)
I loved the story. My husband has been watching documentaries on the Holocaust. That lead to us questioning some things we had never thought about before. While researching those questions on the internet I found some articles stating this book is not entirely accurate. The inaccuracies really bother me for some reason.
I liked it but....... I did not like the ending. I expected something more dramatic I suppose. Also, parts of the story dragged a little.
I think the Orphan X books are a bit unrealistic, but I can‘t resist them! There‘s something about Evan that has me cheering for him every time.