“Beauty comes from how you treat people and how you behave”
P. 234
“Beauty comes from how you treat people and how you behave”
P. 234
All i can say about this super thick book is “peter pan retelling with dark side of it”
The first few chapters are back and fort plot which probably gonna be a bit confusing, but i love the story, specially some characters in it
The more you read it the more you don‘t know where you put your fave character in it cuz they all have their own reason to be who they are. Super dope read!
Super sweet book. Suit you the most for perfect romance read. I love the characters in it as always, the storyline is good! Never expected what coming also love love love in the air 😂
I love the writting style rick riordan use. So fun! Definitely different than the movie i‘ve seen, i love the movie, but i love this book more!
I like one of the male character yet i didn‘t pick any of my fave queen until the end of the book. Surely have the deep character in each, good but doing something bad, bad but actually kind of good, so confusing that i can‘t pick the queen 😂😂😂
I love the story line, plot twist indeed! Started late but still love the ending
It started a bit slow for me, but i love the story line a lot! Plot twist over plot twist!! I love the deep characer she made. Recommended!
Love the language newt use to describe also side notes by hermionie, harry and ron in there 😂
So fun to read yet so informative
I love it! All mythologies from around the world?! Yes please! Read it in one sitting, want it more and more! More like a sums of all mythologies around the world, mayan‘s, romanians, american‘s all included! 😍😍😍
I love this book! Light reading yet good for reflection for us as adult who forgets how it feels like when we used to be a child. Such a deep meaning in such a small thin book. Totally recommended this one to everyone!
This is the last book from the #firebird series by #claudiagray and love the ending!
I love how mariguete's development in character. Love how much universe she traveled, so much fun to read also the loveline in this book is not too much, which is perfect to me.
The best series so far for this year! And this monsters of men is just!!!! Gaaah!!! I love how deep the characters develop here, patrick ness is just awesome! Usually i hate too much point of view because it's confusing but this one is exceptional! They complete each other just perfectly! Super recommend this one, go read it!
Love this book a lot! I love how much todd grows up in this book also how logically everything is. Love the plot, love the writting style!
I love the cover, i love the white book inside of it. Overall i suffered to finished this book i. 3 weeks, the progress was slow, Aurora tried to find something that so vague we don't even know what why and where. But i love the last two chapters in this book. Might want to read the next book to give another chance for the author
I love the quotes in it. I quoted a lot from this book, it's my first time post quote ever. I love ōkami the most. But somehow the romance feels like pushed to be there. Tho i don't hate it 😆 definitely need the next book
"Promises mean nothing to me." Ōkami's tone was soft. Severe. "They are words said to assuage any fool who wishes to believe"
"I believe the stars align so that souls can find one another. Whether they are meant to be souls in love or sos in life remains to be seen"
The story and writting is getting better in each next book and i loving it more!
I love how victoria aveyard describe the situation in the story which make you feel like you in there. I love the surprise in this book which is new, unlike the first second book which only include Mare's point of view. Surely can't wait for the next book 💕
Loving this book! I finally can understand why people want to throw their book after finishing it. It makes me want to throw it too! 😅😅😅
I'm a typical person who love books a lot that throwing books is really weird term to me. But i got it in this book.
This book makes me want to read the second one.
Love the face paced story, funny yet thrilling so addicting that makes me to keep turning the pages. I love Manchee a lot🐶💕
I always love marie lu's works and that leads me to no doubt reading this book. It took me awhile to "get in" into this story but absolutely love the character. Sort of reminding me of the red queen by victoria aveyard because she kind of surprised that she got that power.
It's a good read. Kind of detective-ish because its more about who is who and like that. Include killing scene and scarry description how the body looks like. If you don't like thriller, i won't recommended it to you, but if you love sherlock-ish thing you probably like it. Much point of view not that confusing and i think that's the plus in it specially in lots of scene
I fall in love for e.Lockhart books because of the boyfriend list and start reading all her books without researching what the book all about before.
I like this one, how the story developed but maybe the ending is just not my style. But still, i like it when i'm reading it.
I love the cover so much. It's a cover buy book for me. But i don't really like the story line. I mean if you got some power then u are good at it in that time without learning, it's kind of tropes that i don't really like.
Took me long enough to finish this one. I love how simple this book is, the writing style. I think it's more about knowing yourself, and can't we just adore the cover? This book fonts tho.
It's a light read, a super easy read for me. For a slow reader like me finishing it in 5 days is fast.
Too much point of view, hard to get along with the story at the first time.
Love the futuristic theme in this book which is a plus for me.
Contain drug addict and some sex scene (cut off, not explicit) and much kiss scene.