Forever in love with this 💕
(It is how i felt when i read that book too)
Forever in love with this 💕
(It is how i felt when i read that book too)
My first attempt at booktography!!!
I designed this bookmark for school and decided to capture it amidst books and things for aesthetic pleasure and i LOVE it 💖💖 tell me what you think!
My book photography from my backyard of 'Tower of Dawn'!!! ❤️❤️
Books are uniquely portable magic! - Stephen King
"Break my heart. Break it a thousand times if you like. It was only ever yours to break anyway..... I'll love you until my very last breath" ??
My utmost favourite part of the selection series, from my favourite book 'the one' ❤️
Exams are over, time to CONQUER my huge TBR list! 📚💪
After starting work, I have gained money enough and could not help but at least get 10+ books! 😍
A day after my final exam, I picked up this book that is the only new book I bought without having known of it before, but it tugged at my heart and interested me so much!❤❤❤ Up to page 83, it is not disappointing at all and is a greatbook for me to prize myself after exams! ❤
I was reading through the 'the Lost Library' and I happen to stumble by this quote, and I could not help but remember Mr Darcy's words: "I love, I love, I love you" ❤❤. I stopped mid-reading and posted this! How accurate!
1. Based on mood 2. A 1-star book every month 3. Harry potter (I don't know who lyra is!) 4. Have a bookish tattoo 5. First half
I love these would you rather ones! ❤
Credit of photo: @BookwormBeth
I just finished this beautiful, mesmorising and heart wrenching book. No scrabble word can describe how it made me feel. *sobs*. I wish to meet my gat one day....
The back cover gives me chills everytime i look at it 💕💕💕💕💕
"The snowflakes sparkled and shimmered beyond the glass panes of the window, twirling and weaving as they flew to the ground in a waltz that was beyond human comprehension." - Sarah Maas
Now THAT is one of my FAVOURITE lines in this book ??? i have always thought of snow in the same way and reading this made me feel the author read my mind ?
This quote kills me with the amount of sass 💖 I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT.
Can someone please get me these for my birthday, thank you 🙃🙃🙃
a very VERY pretry art of Eadlyn Scgreave. How much more perfect can this be?
"It would be easier to forget you," he says to me, "and these past few weeks we've had together. It woukd be easier if I could hate you. But the sad truth is, I will more thank likely love you for the rest of my life."