Not my fav of the summer. Loved the idea of children playing in a large garden together, but only bad things came of it, like real life multiplied! Characters typical, all ended well.
Not my fav of the summer. Loved the idea of children playing in a large garden together, but only bad things came of it, like real life multiplied! Characters typical, all ended well.
Loved this book! Her writing is exquisite, how can you say such profound things with such a simple premise. An estranged mother and daughter have conversations about their past shared lives and memories in the course of an unexpected hospital stay for the daughter.
Loved the writing and characters in this 👍 detective story. The relationship between the detective and his assistant makes you want to come back for more, and the crime solving was smart. The audio was great, I will be back for the other 📚 in the series.
Gotta always 💘 Louise Penny Gamache series. Well written Canadian detective series that somehow makes you feel like you want to curl up and feel so good about reading. Murder, well developed characters, great setting and descriptions. Must read them all!
A perfect story about the art forgery world. Includes three time periods, wonderful characters, enjoyable writing - what more can you want!! The audio was so easy to listen to and the reader is a great one for this book.
Really does make you think, even though the ideas are simple. And, who doesn't want to be happier?? 😉😊🙂🙃☺️😜😝
Got this for my dad for father's day. Can't wait for him to finish so I can borrow and read it, too☺. Looks so good!!
A great mystery set on an ill-fated voyage to hunt whales in the Artic Circle. Two men have to decide their fates. I was cold the entire time I read the book because of the excellent descriptions. The tension runs high the entire book.
A study of a murder in another culture and the ramifications through the generations. The story takes place in North Dakota among the Native American people. By moving back and forth between generations we are introduced to many memorable characters.
This book is the story of a woman's life. We learn about her real life;her dreams, the way her dreams are put on hold for her husband's needs. The writing is so beautiful, we learn about LosAlamos, NM in the 1940's, and the love scenes are raw! Read it!!
I loved this book! A story of a large family in Detroit. Flournoy is magical with her words and sentences giving us a back and forth story of the members of the family. A story of Detroit, social problems, family problems, and lots of love. Soooo good and worthy of a read.
Just finished this in audio. The narrator was nothing special, but didn't detract. The characters were awesome and the story of a small town was totally believable. Lost count of times I laughed out loud. Truly the mark of enjoyable book experience.
A forgotten book worth a read. A deeply moving novel about a private man and the idea that what makes a life heroic is the quality of attention paid to it. This character will stick with me.
Love this book! Not just about science but about life in general. What an amazing woman and scientist..
"Because-as Marge Piercy first said-both life and love are like butter and do not keep: they both have to be made fresh every day."
Want to read this book or listen to audio. Sounds like a great small town character study by a great author.
Generally comment. Can't wait to read this book that is new to me based on rec of Michael on Books on the Nightstand podcast. So glad to be a part of a book loving community😜