I absolutely loved this book. I found it inspiring toward the end.
I absolutely loved this book. I found it inspiring toward the end.
Also jetzt fang ich an, dieses Buch zu lesen. Ich hoffe, die Geschichte ist auch so gut wie das Titelbild. Hab eigentlich nie zuvor eine Fantasie auf Deutsch gelesen.
TBR. Getting books from the EU is a pain in the ass and requires a middle man. I feel like a smuggler.
This was just insane. All of it. Insane.
I go back and forth with marking this as pick or so-so. The reason for that has nothing to do with the content--which is bizarre af--but with the editing oversights.
They changed her car 3 times in the book, once even within the same chapter. I believe she had a white Camaro to start and then she had a red Corvette which then became a red Camaro. Definitely a big difference between a Corvette and a Camaro, especially given the backseat sex scene
This was so bad it was good, had me laughing throughout. I'm dismayed that so many people gave it a one star, apparently not realizing it's a satire... and a very obvious one at that. (Book is not in system, cannot tag)
This one is hard to rate, because a part of me wants to like it, but the other part is like... why tho? There was a pretty big plot hole toward the end, it felt very rushed like the author was sick of writing it.
I realize that for fiction, one must suspend belief, but in certain types of fiction that becomes hard to do. This is one of those books. Too many plot holes and odd ball things happening with little to no explanation.
Definitely a must read.
If you like long winded tumblr style rants by contradictory, self-obsessed ass hats, this is the book for you.
Man, where to start... I'm not sure I can review it without spoiling it. I'll just say he survives growing up very poor on an Indian reservation with a mentally deranged father and a useless mother. The father is obsessed with getting rid of the mother and often tries to enlist David to help him succeed with this task. A very dysfunctional, abusive story based on true events.
The audiobook was really well done. I'm not sure how well this would read on paper. They used a full cast and made it into a sort of imagination movie, if that makes sense.
I started out with the audiobook and promptly turned it off and pulled my hard copy from the shelf. They torched Lysander's voice. Idk why they would change the voice actor like that, it completely altered his character.
I've seen this book pop up alot but never really got around to checking it out. Grabbed it off libby last night and so far very interesting.