Unlikeable lines or Midnight blues
Sorry for spoiling your mood. But I have nothing much to say right now.
Unlikeable lines or Midnight blues
Sorry for spoiling your mood. But I have nothing much to say right now.
A naturalist who bulldozes the pretences of high society while trying to lose his own may not really sound exciting for all. It takes something (not just patience!) to get the pulse of Voss. The movement is almost like Inarittu's movies (say like 'Dog's Love') only with an unmatched intensity. Read for the exciting exploration of human psyche starting from the question 'Who am I?' (or in David Lynch's language, "What year is it?").
Love, loss and the void that pervades all are captured in a meditative tone in 'Mandra', which refers to the lower octave in Indian classical music. Somewhere in the novel, there is a message that there no cure for human being who always lacks something (now, remember Lacanian 'subject') as long as s/he can't overcome the 'I' within. It's available in English too. But I'm not sure you will get the rhythm of lower octave there. Try anyway.
Sometimes a song can provide the compact experience of reading a novel or a play. Listening to Eagles, I remembered 'She Stoops to Conquer' and Shakespeare's character Jacque in 'As you like it' (remember the dialogue? "A fool, a fool, I met a fool in the forest").