Really just a trashy novel.
I very much enjoyed this piece of historical fiction. I will definitely read more of Amy Stewart's work.
I'm not sure if philosophy is for me. There were parts of the book that really made me think but in the end I realized the author was very arrogant. Add that with a mental illness and the book was really a bore.
"Any effort that has self-glorification as its final endpoint is bound to end in disaster"
"Correct spelling, correct punctuation, correct grammar. Hundreds of itsy-bitsy rules for itsy-bitsy people. No one could remember all that stuff and concentrate on what he was trying to write. It was all table manners, not derived from any sense of kindness or decency or humanity."
"Sometimes just the act of writing down the problems straightens out your head as to what they really are."
A little slow at first. Flawed characters. They felt real. I could feel their pain. Billy was the hero and he was the most flawed of all. At first a bad man but died saving the most courageous character of all.
Beautiful book about love in a very imaginative way. I'm excited to watch the animated movie based on the book.
Anything by Brene Brown gets you right at the core of what's holding you back. She is brillant!
The Wonder Woman pose will forever be in my confidence arsenal. love this book!
Not your typical main character but it's what made this book interesting. Ending was not as good as the book made me think it would be.
Fantastic story with rich characters. Sad it's the only book the author has written.
I love books with strange characters and a storyline that has switchbacks, goes off road. This book did.
Good story about a fashion icon. Great for fashionistas and those looking to break the rules.
She is the definition of real.
As always, Gladwell does not disappoint.