"...because when Mattie laughed, it was like being on a plane at night, looking down on some city you've never been to and it's all lit up." ·Sadie·
"...because when Mattie laughed, it was like being on a plane at night, looking down on some city you've never been to and it's all lit up." ·Sadie·
I'm here to tell you this: Go buy #BringMeBack by @baparisauthor! This is such an amazing book and I recommend you read it as soon as you can. I haven't completely finished it yet (with 2 reviews and a blog in the process) but I already love it. Please give it a chance and see if you love it as much as I do 😉
I received this incredible ARC in the mail today. I'm super excited to finally read it. #BringMeBack is written by B.A. Paris. I've never had the pleasure of reading her books, so I'm excited to branch out and read something new. I'm putting The Infects on hold for now so I can dive right into this awesome ARC! #bookmail
So, I've finished this amazing book just yesterday. Personally, I 💘 it! The characters were actually likeable and there were such incredible scenes/details.
On a side note, the characters expressed such emotions and feeling during the book, thats it got me thinking. The mass shootings we hear about on the news are real, but are the characters feeling what these real-life victims feel? I can't imagine if it is. No one should ever feel that way.
Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I got the flu 😷 and it kept me down.
I had wanted to post this sooner as I got it last month as an ARC but I got sick 1 day after I received it. Now that I'm better, I plan on starting it as soon as possible.
I've never read anything by @jdarznik but I'm really excited to start this beautiful book. I'll write a review as soon as possible 😎
@TheBookKeepers is having a giveaway! Congrats on the 1000 followers! #bookkeepersGIVEAWAY
I'm not a big fan of Sci-fi books. However, I loved John Dies at the End. Its such a bizzare, humorous, exciting read. Every twist and turn had me questioning myself. I didn't get my answers until the very end and even then, I was wrong. The characters were flawed but still likeable (unless you have a problem with sass).
For me, I would highly recommend this book. And since now I know it's a series, I'm on the hunt for book 2.
I love this book!
I've never really been into romantic/suspense books before, but after recieving this book as an ARC from St. Martins Press, I've changed my mind.
The Wife Between Us is beautifully written. It took me personally a few chapters to become fully invested, but that was what made it so great. Once it grabbed me, I could not put it down.
I couldnt recommend it more and I can't wait til everyone else can enjoy it.
Ok, I know I literally just posted, but I was just hit with a HUGE twist/surprise while reading #thewifebetweenus ! I needed a few minutes after to figure out what I just read. Now, I have no idea what's going to happen! #meetthemrs
St. Martins Press is so awesome at promoting a book. I got this "invitation" in the mail a few days ago. I'm already really into the book, but this just makes me even more excited to read it! #meetthemrs #thewifebetweenus #advancedreaderscopy
Recieved this in the mail after the author gave away 50 free copies. It looks like an easy read and rather interesting. Once I finsh the book I'm currently reading, I might start this!
This came in the mail yesterday! I didn't even realize I had signed up for it. I'll be started it tonight as I'm so super excited now!
#thewifebetweenus #meetthemrs
I think its only fitting that the first thing I post is the first book I've won on Goodreads. Its an Advanced Reading Copy of The Hazel Wood. I've been really excited to read this. When I opened the package, i almost cried because this is a book I cant wait to read!