4/5 This book was so sad but it was also a very believable story about someone who has been sexually assaulted. I really enjoyed it even though the subject matter was depressing. Read October 2020
4/5 This book was so sad but it was also a very believable story about someone who has been sexually assaulted. I really enjoyed it even though the subject matter was depressing. Read October 2020
4/5 I read the first two books in this series in 3 days. Super enjoyable and easy to read. I love hades 😝 read September 2020
4.5/5 So the writing in this book isn‘t the best but I still really enjoyed it. I‘ve always been a sucker for a Greek mythology romance. Read September 2020
5/5 I absolutely loved this book! It made me cry like a baby. Read September 2020
5/5 This book was so good! 😭 I don‘t often cry from books but this book had such a beautiful story that I cried like a baby! Read September 2020
4/5 Also a very cute book but I would have loved it more if I was still in high school. Read August 2020
5/5 I loved Sarah Dessen‘s books in high school so I decided to try and read a few as an adult. This one I did find super enjoyable even if it is an extremely easy read. Read August 2020
3/5 I probably would have loved this book and cried like a baby if I was 16 but I‘m 26 and I know how stupid high school love is most of the time. Read August 2020
2/5 This book was difficult for me to finish. The writing in it is excellent but I just found the main characters so I unlikable that I found it hard to read. I‘m sure there are people out there who would enjoy it though. Read August 2020
5/5 I already knew a bit about this book going in but I still found it surprising me and it was very interesting that the book was from Jacks perspective. Read July 2020
5/5 I really enjoyed this book. I was so busy with college for so long that I forgot how much I use to love reading. This book reminded me of why I love to read. Read July 2020