How could you resist a book described as Heathers meets The Devil Wears Prada?!? #excited #amreading #botm #bookofthemonthclub
How could you resist a book described as Heathers meets The Devil Wears Prada?!? #excited #amreading #botm #bookofthemonthclub
In need of a quick read, so Our Kind of Cruelty it is! #thriller #bookofthemonth
Talk about AMAZING character descriptions! Holy. Hell. I‘m on chapter 2 and so damn invested already!
It‘s been described as a thriller a la Big Little Lies. Excited for this one! #amreading #thriller #suspense
Oh how I SOOOO love a good twist! Definitely recommend this thriller! SO. DAMN. GOOD.
“Practice doesn‘t make me perfect, but people are more likely to be believe me when I have.” ❤️
Lovin' the psychological aspect of this book! While the store is very, very much "tell, not show," it surprisingly works really well.
3 stars. Found a few mistakes that ruined the book for me a bit. Luckily those weren't found until the back half, which coincidentally, wasn't as great as the first half anyway. Disappointed a little. If a book is hyped up we need as much attention on the back half as the first half.
Sometimes the simplest of mistakes, ones that can be easily caught by a critique partner, editor, or agent, are the the ones that can turn me off. I just found one and it's bugging me so much that I almost don't want to finish. Totally bums me out since it takes a LOT for me to even get this far into a YA.
I'm usually not able to get into YAs, just ask @CharissaWeaksAuthor . But THIS book? THIS book I'm totally LOVING.
The first page hooked me. That is very, very rare, which means I'm super giddy about this read.
I'm way passed this page but this fantastic line is still in my head: "It wasn't entirely unexpected but I still felt stabbed in the guts with a shard of my own broken heart."
Definitely a good foundation for this new series (a spinoff of the Daniel Faust series) by Schaefer. Very enjoyable read. 4 of 5 stars.