Another great story by this author. I enjoyed it .
Mam , excuse me ?! There is no way your momma taught you to accept folk that much , just ain‘t no way.
I‘m sad to say this is the first book by this author that I have ever read, I wasn‘t disappointed.
It was my taste it was short,sweet and straight to the point.The action was very cartoonish to me , I just thought I was a little over the top… for goodness sakes a missile in the middle of Alabama?
I really had to laugh a little during the actions scenes, but nonetheless still a great three/five read. I will definitely read more of Beverly‘s work.
When the author said “ Like leftovers to be re heated” when that guy left April high and dry all I could think of was the times I‘ve let men ghost me and come back like nothing happened; I allow them to reheat me when ready smh .. this book is good !
From stories of mandatory business travel fresh off the operating table to having her livelihood dangled in front her in the name of 'I'm your superior' , Ms lee showed perseverance and dedication even when the disrespect for being a woman in a corporate shit hole overstimulated her. I commend her.
Crazy enough I can‘t believe I ever was apart of the crowd calling for UNCUT to come back smh I‘m ashamed to say.
Learning that she pulled the on BET her first day as CEO shows that her number one core value was to restore respect for black women.