@Waynegjr ran into you while reading my book
This book was as marvelous as everybody told me it would be! Captured the feeling of being a kid without pandering or aging them up. Very excited for this series.
This short one-act was a pleasure to read! It‘s a monologue and I‘d recommend it all in one sitting and, if possible, aloud.
I really loved this short fiction collection. It did what I think the best collections do— play on the reader‘s expectations from one story to another, to create a really cohesive reading experience.
The second book is also delightful! I‘m not sure it‘s quite as good as the first, but still so fun to read.
Beatrice is so proud of me for reading another play! This one is sad and nostalgic. It read very quickly and left me pleasantly melancholy.
I liked a lot about this book! It brought me to a world I‘m not at all familiar with, the voice is great, and it‘s filled with literary references— deep cuts too. All of which make it a lot of fun. But the plot is lacking for me... major points felt schmaltzy and the plot lacked urgency. I‘m glad I read it, but I think it needs a reader who is in a brooding mood, who wants to pick up a million allusions and mull them over.
Great great book. Brilliantly written, with charming characters and a plot that reads like strange history. It‘s definitely epic in terms of span... but subject matter keeps it so grounded at times it‘s practically mundane. That mix is my favorite kind of thing to read, and I just loved it.
Sooo interesting to read! It‘s funny and a little sad... and it gave me a good melancholy feeling when it was over. I‘m still thinking about it. One of my reading goals in 2019 is to read more plays... this was a good one to start with.
Yes! Helen Ellis is a gem, as always. Funny, light... enjoyable. To borrow her own word if you listen to her podcast. Her voice is so strong and she knows how to be herself in a way that feels rare. This made me very happy to read.
Sooo good! When I was a kid I used to hide my book under the bed and sneakily read it while I was supposed to be cleaning up... this book gave me that sneaky wonderful feeling of not being able to put it down. I can‘t wait to read the whole series.
Loved this! Charming correspondence between an American writer and an English bookshop. Very slim and quick to read. I can imagine returning to it as a pick-me-up.
I loved this book! The plot came together well, and the themes were solid. Such a quick, pleasant read.
Legitimately felt my heart skip a beat when I read that L‘Engle‘s childhood favorite book was my childhood favorite book.
Returning to this collection today has me all 😍😍😍🤩🤩🤩 wow
These books are opposites in a lot of ways except one: they were both perfect this morning.
This book is really interesting. The cover doesn‘t appeal to be but I feel like the social concepts are the exact thing I love to read and write about.
I‘ve just started this one and I already know it‘s going to be special.
So fun! Reminded me of everything I loved about being a kid who read books.
I love this essay by Shirley Jackson so much I got my own granny fork to cook with. I love it already.
LEGO‘s with Karen Joy Fowler is the perfect night in. For a toddler and his mom.
Snarky Maud: "our sojourn there was not exactly a feast of reason"
Just finished the first novella "The Pederson Kid" and it was so brutal. Savagely written and urgent.
I've never really listened to audiobooks before; this was my first. I loved it. The characters and images were perfect for listening to. Marilynne Robinson is a national treasure.
This is the best book I've read in a long, long time. So good. So good. I just loved it.
This turned out ok! I liked the ending. There's something discouraging and plodding about these books but ultimately they come together in a way that's worth it. I'm glad I read the whole thing.
Guys guys guys! I got to interview Patricia Lockwood. Look!: https://chireviewofbooks.com/2017/05/02/family-catholicism-and-the-importance-of...
Finishing up. Cheetos. Coffee. Sun.
Just finished this up today. Very good. Like a glass of water.
This is a really good book. I don't even know what to think about it except that I'm glad I read it.
"Living in a bookshop is like living in a warehouse full of explosives."
You'll find the proprietor where the tobacco smoke is thickest.
Figures that this would be my first book back after having the baby! I love the way Erens weaves this story together. Intense and captivating!
I loved this book. Quick to read with a fun, interesting and sweet plot.
Look what's on the shelves @RoscoeBooks !! How come @Waynegjr didn't text me immediately? What is even the point of having a bookseller husband?
Finally set up the baby library! Read, kid, reeeeeeaaaaad!!!
I was assigned this book my senior year of undergrad. I've probably read it a hundred times since, and lots of other Spark, too. I'm so lucky to have been handed this book! "One day in the middle of the twentieth century..." #funfridayphoto