I'm at chapter 8 and I've been laughing so much these last couple of chapters. Really enjoying this book with the conversations between all the Aunties and Meddy. Hope it continues!!
I'm at chapter 8 and I've been laughing so much these last couple of chapters. Really enjoying this book with the conversations between all the Aunties and Meddy. Hope it continues!!
This book of short stories was amazing. I felt like these stories were a combination of what an addict lives and experiences everyday. The pain, heartbreak, struggle, and little victories.
You could literally read book 1 and 9 and get the story. The middle was drawn out.
When I heard about this book, I didn‘t pay attention to what is was about, just wanted to read it because I love the podcast. After the 2nd chapter I sat back & went huh, it‘s not about murder, it‘s a self help book. I loved that their writing was just as they talk on the podcast with “fuck politeness”, so I continued reading. I fell in love with this book & they actually gave me the knowledge to seek answers I didn‘t know I was missing.
This book makes you think about how many of us go through struggles and the different paths we can take with the same circumstances.
I enjoyed this book probably because I can relate. Being a single mom is hard and we forget to live for us. I cheered this momma on throughout this book for every nice meal she had, reading in comfort , every date she went on! Great reminder moms need a summer off every now and then to recharge.
I really enjoyed this book. It‘s a tragic story of a mother and daughter that save others around them with their situations. Quick and easy read.
OMG is all I have to say! Fastest book I‘ve read in a while, because I couldn‘t put it down. The monster that secrets create! I‘d love a second book with the monster the daughter turned into especially if it has twists and turns like this book!
I started thinking this book was about aliens and such but it turned out being a book of love, perseverance, and quirks 😉. Very much enjoyed this book.
This book was good. Two girls sharing their summers together thinking they‘d be friends forever torn apart by a situation. The same situation brings different heart I aches to each girl and it takes a while for them to find each other again for healing.
This book was so slow for me. The book really starts at page 300. Before that it‘s a snooze fest. When it gets going it‘s a story basically how a team stands together but fall apart together thinking they‘re all immortal while others live with the pain that they leave behind. This quote is true for me and my son. Be wise in the company you keep.
These stories are so drawn out and uninteresting. I didn‘t enjoy nor could I finish reading all the stories.
Sweet Monkeys! What a boring and sad book! This chick is in love with a gay guy but the way that she just swims in her sorrow of him not loving her back for all her life it seems. Worse part is she brought a daughter into this situation. I hope she doesn't sit and mope around all her daughter's life crying about how her dad won't have sex with her because he's gay, because she knew this when she decided to have a kid with him. Ugh.
“Maybe this is how the whole system works. You put the wish out there, and then it takes the entire universe operating on your behalf to get it to come true.”
In the author's note she writes "Geo's experiences inside Hellwood stern from a blend of several real life professions I've researched, plus my own twisted imagination". All I have to say is that imagination is twisted. Im just wondering why Geo's pregnant again....? All the evil seemed to come from her, well most of it, the evilist part of the evil. Maybe a sequel with the new baby?
I was wondering about this book. Read mixed reviews on it but you have to read it. I enjoyed the twists and turns and the moments that made you go “no way!”
Enjoying my book with my snuggle buddies.
This book is an amazing story.
If she could have written more things she would have: how we do things we do not mean; we do evil things; if we see an open door, we will dart through it, before we lose our guts, no matter who is left behind, we will move at the chance to be free.
Read my 3-star review of The Orchardist by Amanda Coplin
I loved this book. It really does go through all you experience in life!
This book is what I needed! It was a fun, quick, entertaining murder mystery. If you're contemplating murder, by golly, this book might give you confidence that you can do it ever so cleverly.
This honestly was a hard book for me to read. I don't know why I couldn't get into it very well. The first half was excruciating but the second half, after he finds his room of memories, finally started to feel like a story. I was very scared I wasn't going to finish it but I did. Whoop!