Sorry I've been MIA for the last month or so. Mum was just diagnosed with diabetes and I've been busy reading everything I can get my hands on. Any suggestions?
Sorry I've been MIA for the last month or so. Mum was just diagnosed with diabetes and I've been busy reading everything I can get my hands on. Any suggestions?
Oh, how I wish there was a sequel! A little slow to get going, but once it does it draws you in and you're brought along on an amazing exploration of culture, language, the creation of history, and the strength of friendship.
Thinking about trying a monthly #bookstagram #challenge in addition to the annual reading challenges (popsugar, read harder, etc). Any suggestions/advice? What experiences have you had with monthly challenges? Any favorites beyond the bookstagram challenges?
#Boardgame night yesterday. This is a picture of the description for my province in Seafall. Normally I shy away from the really complicated games, but this one is interesting to me because it's a legacy game. The choices you make in one game permanently affect the rules, settings, and storyline of the future ones! It's like playing an epic level choose-your-own adventure game against four other people. We'll see how it goes!
Came back from getting a glass of water - looks like Kepler wants a bed time story. 😊
This book was fantastic! I picked it up, despite my huge backlog, because of all the rave reviews I kept seeing. I finished it in one go during #litsypartyofone. So glad I did! The plot is rich in detail and the characters are engrossing. Very excited for this new series to continue!
It's sunny and 79* so we're taking our #litsypartyofone out onto the porch. Iced tea, popcorn (and a stick), and the e-book of Carve the Mark -- Koba and I are all set!
I loved the scenic world Stephanie Garner created, but I'm wasn't super excited about the plot. Almost everyone I know has found it very engaging, but it's just not for me! Very well written book, though. New life goal: be a historiographer like Aiko. :)
Less than a month until the sequel, Traitor to the Throne, comes out! I can't wait!
Stuck sick in bed, so I switched to the audiobook so I can get some knitting done!
"Because sometimes, to find home, you must first go farther afield." - Mireille Duval, An Untamed State
"And the stars in the night were the eyes of his wolf, and the wind itself was their song." Wolf in Night by Rymund the Rhymer
I don't usually read suspense novels, but this one was a freebie and it's plot intrigued me. Definitely not disappointed!
My only real complaint is that the jumps between characters seems out of place in the beginning because they're few and far between. About halfway through, there's an increase in the jumps and it only adds to the suspense.
This is one of those books that you'll want to re-read to see what you missed! Highly recommended!