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Stolen by Lucy Christopher
Stolen | Lucy Christopher
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Young Adult Fiction
2020 01 08

I think there are going to be plot twists that I am looking forward to read.

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We Are Okay | Nina LaCour
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2019 12 25
2020 01 04
The cover has me expecting that it is a good story.

1ReVeluvY After the day her grandpa went missing and discovered secrets while in search for him, she flew to New York earlier than she was supposed to. Marin thought escaping the pain and forgetting everything that happened would heal her.However, it is a harder process to accomplish especially when you are not surrounded by those who loved you. Marin was afraid of the truth and regret. 4y
1ReVeluvY Her grandpa was lonely despite Marin's presence when they lived together. He kept all grief and memories about his daughter for himself since remembering the past was painful. Therefore, Marin was not aware of what her mother was like before she drowned when Marin was little. It turns out that her grandpa was lying about letters that he “received“ from Birdie but it was actually him writing back to himself. Birdie was the name of Marin's mother. (edited) 4y
1ReVeluvY Using the ATM card her grandfather prepared for college outside of California, Marin found a motel to stay in, not informing anyone about her whereabouts. She was afraid that gramps was a stranger, afraid how he hated him but wanted him back at the same time, and if he even loved her. Marin was afraid that anything and the time spent with him were all lies. Therefore, she chose to settle with uncertainty because regret and truth. (edited) 4y
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1ReVeluvY During December break, months after that summer of tragedy with her sick grandfather and him suspectedly drowning, Mabel came to visit Marin at her dorm, hoping her stay for a few days, trying to convince Marin to come back home at least for a few days. Mabel is Marin's best friend but Marin had never spoken to anyone she knew before he grandfather died. It took some time for Marin to open up about what happened. 4y
1ReVeluvY There was not much relief in revealing what happened because all that was left for her to release the burden was to confront what took place herself. When she thought Mabel had gone back to California and regret once again for not going with her, Mabel came back with her parents. They spent the holidays together and Marin was thankful for the love she was surrounded with. Ana, Mabel's mom, and Marin's conversation helped Marin remind herself that 4y
1ReVeluvY she is still herself. Since Marin had not endured tragedy, heartbreak, and betrayal, she has not changed. Ana helped her remember the feeling of having a mother the night this conversation occurred. After all the support, Marin says yes because another chance was given as she remembers a memory of her mom.

(edited) 4y
1ReVeluvY Notes:
*She didn't know that her grandpa was lonely the time they spent time together. She didn't know she was alone for longer than she thought.

Gramps loved her and did his best to be with her despite grieving.
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Challenger Deep | Neal Shusterman
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Young Adult Fiction
2019 12 19
2019 12 23
A friend said that the book was a good read.

1ReVeluvY The story is told in the perspective of Caden Bosch. He is the unreliable narrator who develops schizophrenia and experiences the symptoms of the mental illness as the story progresses. The story is structured in a way where Caden explains his thoughts which represents situations and characters that appear in real life. The way he interprets reality would be taken over by his thoughts but eventually clears as he conquers the mission of diving the 4y
1ReVeluvY deepest point on earth. As the mission comes to an end, his illness does as well.

He realizes that what is down the trench was not worth it and that the parrot, who represents Dr. Poirot who had a role in helping him get better, was right. The puzzle piece of the sky guided him up the trench, which may be a metaphor for the state of his illness at that moment. ~That moment could be due to the effect of cheeking his medicine for the first time be
1ReVeluvY cause the people he had liked to be with at the hospital leave him. Carlyle had to leave because he took the blame of lacking the responsibility for the group he took care of since it led to Hal‘s attempted suicide (nobody really knows his condition since Caden never got that news) and was free from all the burden. When actually, Hal, who represents the navigator in Caden‘s thoughts, was going through something that most likely related to his 4y
1ReVeluvY relationship with his mom. ~ The puzzle needed to be complete just like how Caden had to be complete again in one place so that he can identify reality and the captain‘s convincing (the captain who may symbolize that the illness that can approach at any time but Caden knows that he will not join the captain's voyages for a long while). Caden is reunited with his family as a member of the rational world once again, free from burden and confusion. 4y
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A List of Cages | Robin Roe
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Fiction, Young Adult
2019 11 22
2019 12 12
This book is supposed to make me cry and I wanted to relate or understand. The reviews said it explores the areas of pain in detail.

1ReVeluvY Adam, a senior who has ADHD, is cheerful and excellent in his studies. As he is working alongside the school psychologist, she asks Adam to spend time with a troubled freshman. It turns out to be Julian who used to live at Adam's house after Julian's parents died. It is the first time they saw each other since the social worker found a close family member. Now, Adam notices there is something off about Julian the more they spend time together. 4y
1ReVeluvY Russel, Julian's uncle who has been abusing him since Adam's mom stopped fostering him. It got to the point where the unhappy and manipulative Russell locked him up in a trunk for several days to make up for Julian's “spoiled“ attitude. The “spoiling“ were about spending time with Adam as Julian becomes freer and a better version of himself. 4y
1ReVeluvY Adam saves the long confused and uncomfortable Julian because of the hunch he has during an early morning. While Russell on the other hand went missing for at least more than a month, Julian became a part of Adam's family (legally). Adam's mom suggests to have a graduation party he wanted but couldn't experience sooner because he focused on helping out on Julian's recovery. During the party, Russell shows up and started taking Julian away. (edited) 4y
1ReVeluvY Adam gets worried and then a commotion occurs. One of his close friends, Charlie moves quick and shoots Russell with the gun that Russell brought after the physical fight.
All becomes free from their cages at the end.
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All the Bright Places | Jennifer Niven
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Young Adult Fiction
2019 11 09
2019 11 22
I wonder what the story would be like when two main characters interact as they suffer from grief.

1ReVeluvY Violet and Finch meet at a bell tower of their school, wondering what it would be like if they jumped. When they pair up for a project to discover places in Indiana, they get closer as Finch helps Violet to get on track again who is grieving her sister's death. When Violet feels like herself again, more free, Finch's world starts to break down because everything seemed so dark. 5y
1ReVeluvY Even though he tried to overcome his bipolar disorder, he was still overwhelmed with the confusion and emptiness. He wanders, finishing the project he and Violet started and kills himself. It was if he already lived his life and Violet is left to continue her epitaph.
The development of the characters are very effective with all the connection. Families and friends have their own problems to be busy and worry about while they forget about Finch.
(edited) 5y
1ReVeluvY Violet had it hard the most because she noticed him like Finch wanted at least someone to. She did more to her part than she could have and feels responsible for Finch's selfish decision. I think Finch's death was made for a reason. It was there to help the characters realize things that will help them move on. Some were too afraid to recognize reality while some start regretting. 5y
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Young Adult Fiction
2019 10 26
2019 11 09
The synopsis had me wanting to read the book, looking forward to the novel structure.
NoahandJude, artists and twins who were very close when they were younger. However, after some tragic events, they drifted away until things started to make sense at the end. Their younger years were told by Noah while Jude told the rest.

1ReVeluvY What kept them away for a while? Noah is in love with the boy next door and misunderstands that his mother would disapprove of them. On the other hand, Jude is going through girl adolescence and prefers to be out with her new friends. After their mom's death and before anyone can apologize to her, everyone is basically (trapped) keeping their thoughts to themselves. (edited) 5y
1ReVeluvY Noah: He is trying to get into high school art school while is in love with Brian. Noah gets into a fight, which doesn't happen often, with his mother because she catches his relationship while Noah catches her in another relationship with another man. Brian leaves because he doesn‘t want to get kicked out of his baseball team for being gay and his trauma. 5y
1ReVeluvY Noah doesn't get the chance to say sorry to his mom because of the accident. Noah lies to everyone saying she was on her way to ask his dad to become a family again instead of going to his dad to ask for a divorce. He also doesn't get into CSA, the art school he planned to go to. As a result from the occasions, he carries grief as he and everyone becomes confused for a few years.
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1ReVeluvY Jude: She also has secrets and is very superstitious until the end where everything made sense. She thinks because she threw out Noah‘s application for the CSA, her mom (mom‘s ghost) breaks all her sculptures. Therefore, she goes to a mentor, Guillermo Garcia, to learn how to make sculptures out of stone so that her mom doesn‘t break them. However, only Noah knows Guillermo is the guy in their mom‘s secret relationship. 5y
1ReVeluvY When Jude does find out from Noah, she realizes through meeting Guillermo, her mom explains how honest her love was for him. In addition, Jude also confessed about Noah‘s application but he didn‘t feel bad at all because his art was always the best. She brought Noah and Brian back together too. There‘s also Oscar (like a son to Guillermo, and also spent valuable time with NoahandJude‘s mom) who is another story for Jude.
1ReVeluvY When the twins opened up again after all misunderstandings and confessions, they were able to remake the world.

The story is very well-written, especially since a lot of the sentences have great meaning readers can also learn from. I was overwhelmed how I understood and connected with the characters and story.
(edited) 5y
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Young Adult Fiction, Bildungsroman
2019 10 17
2019 10 25
I was aiming for good novel content, and because I never saw a bad review about the book, I decided to read about it.

1ReVeluvY Aristotle and Dante discovered the secrets of the universe.
During one summer, these two distinct characters meet. Aristotle and Dante find out who they are throughout the book. As teenagers, there are many questions and confusion as to what they are meant for. Especially at times when they are distracted with their own issues, it becomes a challenge for them to discover the secrets of the universe.
1ReVeluvY Aristotle (Ari): He lives with his mom, dad, and has older sisters. He feels distant to his older sisters because of the age gap they have. On the other hand, Ari has a hard time connecting with his father after his dad came back from the war when he was still little. Meanwhile, he also has a brother who is in jail but he doesn't exactly know the reason why because his parents don't talk about him. Therefore, he feels lonely until he met Dante. (edited) 5y
1ReVeluvY Dante: Dante seems almost perfect to Ari. He is thoughtful, artistic, smart, likes poetry, curious, etc. However, he doesn't feel like he found himself yet. Although he tries to face the challenges he was within his family and friends, he also questions about his sexuality.

1ReVeluvY At the end, Ari finally realizes that he liked Dante ever since they met. Almost every conversation was filled with laughter. Why did Ari save Dante from a brutal accident? That was just one of the reasons showing how affectionate the two are. As they overcome the coming of age stage in life, they were able to learn from the flaws that their family and friends have. They made their love for one another official at the very end. 5y
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Eleanor and Park | Rainbow Rowell
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Romance, Young Adult Fiction
2019 10 08
2019 10 16
This was recommended when I searched for young adult novels. I was also influenced by the reviews so I chose to read it.
The book revolves around two characters, 16 year olds in the 1980s, who fall in love over the course of one school year. “Smart enough to know that first love almost never lasts, but brave and desperate enough to try.“

1ReVeluvY Many hindrances face them like family issues and living with the views of the 80s. With a broken family, pressure, and bullies, Eleanor's life seemed like it couldn't get any better. Until she met Park, there came some excitement in life that made her actually want to try. Park almost has a perfect family except he struggles to know who he really is. Together, they become a cute couple, struggling to live in a world that's always surprising them. (edited) 5y
1ReVeluvY At the end, they were kept apart because of what Eleanor's stepdad had done. She escaped to her uncle's house and the lovers were barely in reach. Both couldn't conclude if it was a goodbye only for that day and not ever. A whole year passed by separated, and the letter writing became inconsistent. Eleanor didn't even read or write any letters or postcards sent by Park. (edited) 5y
1ReVeluvY During the next summer, Eleanor had written three words on a postcard and sent it to Park. The book never said but it was either “I love you.“ or “Let's stop this.“ since Eleanor was thinking about stopping their relationship a lot before writing the letter.

On the other hand, many think the book is racist but I want readers to keep in mind that the characters are living in the 80s. Meaning, it is told in the views of the 80s too.
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Young Adult, Contemporary Fiction, Teen fiction
2019 09 21
2019 10 02
I was searching for another YRCA book nominee due to the previous candidates I read. As a result, this book looked the most interesting to me.
The book title was originally why I borrowed it. They do both die at the end is the spoiler but it really isn't the point of the book. (continued in the comments)

1ReVeluvY Before the 24 hours of your death, a program called Death Cast informs the Decker (the person who is going to pass in less than a day) that they are going to die. The alert is given to Mateo and Rufus, and for contrasting reasons, these two different strangers look forward to make a last friend. Mateo and Rufus ends up spending their End Day together through an app as a result. 5y
1ReVeluvY When I first read the synopsis, I first thought how it is even possible to live a lifetime in a single day. I was worried that the story would be too stretched out since it is a story about one day. However, I'm impressed about how the book gives a one of a kind answer. I strongly do not regret reading the book. Despite the introduction of characters in the beginning, it lead to connections and character development so the ending would make sense. 5y
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Milk and Honey | Rupi Kaur
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Poetry, Feminism, Young Adult Fiction
2019 09 19
2019 09 21
This was recommended just a few years back and I wanted to see what the hype was about.
It is a collection of Rupi Kaur's poems that tell readers about a person's experience of hurting, loving, breaking, and healing. (check comment)
“i am water
soft enough to offer life
tough enough
to drown it away“ (127)
“i am losing parts of you like i lose eyelashes
unknowingly and everywhere“ (125)

1ReVeluvY I think the poetry novel is understood more for readers that have a good level of maturity. I expected more however. The author likes to state ideas already stated but is expressed in another way. There are some poems that were accurate and the rest made me want to skip it. 5y
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One Of Us Is Lying | Karen McManus
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Young Adult Fiction, Fiction, Mystery
2019 09 03
2019 09 18
I came across this book at the library and thought it would be nice to read book nominees for the YRCA.
Write a brief summary of the novel; who was the protagonist; what was his/her problem and how was the problem resolved? (in the comments)

1ReVeluvY Only four of the five students in detention were able to walk out of that room. The rest become suspects as the infamous student, who was murdered, planned to expose his high profile classmates the next day. As they struggle from public attention, it brings them closer to understanding the real value of love, family, and friendship.
“Everyone has secrets, right? What really matters is how far you would go to protect them.“
(edited) 5y
1ReVeluvY The spoiler and how the problem was solved:
The “murder club“ which included the students that were alive later found out about Simon's plan-
Simon (the student who died) wanted to create a name for himself and actually do something original instead of a school shooting. He wanted to be talked about even after he died and that involved bringing down the other students. Yes, he wasn't in his right mind because he suffered from depression. Why?
1ReVeluvY Why:
He felt excluded and isolated that it got to the point that he was actually going to execute his plan of bringing down students that have somehow wronged him. Only one person noticed and tried to help him. However, it didn't work too well because it was only her trying to protect Simon while everyone else thought he was naturally crazy. There is also another character named Jake who consumed the power Simon had in exposing others.
1ReVeluvY Jake was the character who kept the posts going out of revenge for the students who were blamed. One of the suspects was his girlfriend who he knew she cheated on him. However, he played along like he didn't know after Simon had talked to him about the plan of bringing their classmates down. As a controlling boyfriend, Jake had Addy spilling the updates on the murder case. Therefore, the updates always seemed to be true. 4y
1ReVeluvY Once Addy had lied when they broke up about the updates, Jake posted it but since Addy had only told Jake about that lie, he was caught by the police.
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