This zine is a kick in the pants to anyone interested in writing but not sure where to start, especially if you lack funds. #amwriting #zines #indiepublisher
This zine is a kick in the pants to anyone interested in writing but not sure where to start, especially if you lack funds. #amwriting #zines #indiepublisher
I got my zines from neither-nor out of KC! The KC zine fest was last weekend (it was virtual this year) and there were so many beautiful temptations.
#zines #art #punk #kansascity #neithernor
Just got two new #zines in the mail today by Yunan Kirkbride from DeathWitchZines on Etsy! I‘m beating myself up because I totally forgot to ask her if she‘d sign them for me. 😞
• Practical #Paganism (Tips for pulling yourself out of a spiritual slump and forming a stable consistent worship)
• Death #Witchcraft: Volume 1
Anyone have any good zine recs?
I've been eyeing this book for a while and have been nostalgic for zones. The book arrived a few days ago and I had to unearth my small pile of zines that survived the 90s. #zines #riotgrrrl #thedreamofthe90s