I am about to finish the A to Y Mysteries with #yisforyesterday. I‘m sad that Sue Grafton‘s death means there will never be a “Z” mystery.
I am about to finish the A to Y Mysteries with #yisforyesterday. I‘m sad that Sue Grafton‘s death means there will never be a “Z” mystery.
This one was SO much better than "X." Everything I love about this series was present - including lots of good Henry moments. I'm so sad that the end is so close! #yisforyesterday #alphabetmysteries #kinseymillhone #suegrafton
This is already so much better than "X" was. #yisforyesterday #alphabetmysteries #kinseymillhone #suegrafton
I've been waiting very impatiently for this to make its way through various holds at the library and to me. Yesterday (ha!) at work, I glanced over at the new large-print shelf, and spotted the large-print edition. It had just been processed, so you BET I GRABBED IT. #librarylife bonus. #yisforyesterday #alphabetmysteries #kinseymillhone #suegrafton