The kiddo has taken over the TV so I've started this chunker. I've heard about this from so many of yall and he will be at the #wvbookfestival so I figure it's time to give it a go.
The kiddo has taken over the TV so I've started this chunker. I've heard about this from so many of yall and he will be at the #wvbookfestival so I figure it's time to give it a go.
In preparation for the WV book festival next month, I'm trying to get in some of the books from the authors who will be attending. First up - Azar Nafisi's reading Lolita in tehran and Nicola Yoon's the sun is also a star. #septembersmostanticipated #mostanticipated #fallintoreading #autumnreads #wvbookfestival
Enjoyed hearing Sandra Brown speak today at the #wvbookfestival. Looking forward to reading her newest book Sting.
Getting my copy of Dead Wake signed by Erik Larson. Wonderful evening at the #wvbookfestival