Last book of the month!
This book covers so many countries for #readingtheamericas! Here goes:
@Cinfhen here's a list for #acityorcountryinthetitle for #52bookclub2023, as it doubles up with #propernouninthetitle for #booked2023.
@alisiakae @BarbaraTheBibliophage @BarbaraBB @Librarybelle
@Cinfhen Here are my #tripleplay books for #52bookclub2023 #booked2023 #readingtheamericas2023 - you may need to screenshot to read them.
I'll try to work out how to show you my #doubledips tomorrow, as it's getting late now and the list was rather long!
@alisiakae @BarbaraTheBibliophage @BarbaraBB @Librarybelle
The 2014 winner of the Center for Fiction‘s First Novel Prize, this was a novel that I read mostly during bouts of insomnia. The magical qualities & lack of sleep blended together to make a read that was filled with dreamy sequences in my mind. I‘m not sure I totally understood everything but it left an impression. The story is part family history, part historical (when St. Thomas becomes a US territory), part love story. Bit of a slog but 👏🏼👍
I ended up liking this a lot. It's pretty slow paced though. It's historical fiction about the US Virgin Islands. And there's some incest which may not even be necessary to the story. I'm really selling this. I want to read the author's new book and this has been on my TBR forever.
DNFed at 5%.
Welp, that didn‘t take long. This has been on my Goodreads TBR since June of 2014 and I wish I read the reviews beforehand. The synopsis I read in “Good Housekeeping” was nothing like this book. Aside from a really icky storyline, I just didn‘t connect with the writing or characters during the first few chapters. At least it‘s off my TBR!
This was my September #bookspin
I liked gaining more knowledge of USVI history, but I had to work to get through this book. The incest made the book difficult to read and it had no redeeming qualities. I didn't bond with any of the characters and I was bored with the plot. After I was finished, I just wanted a shower.
This book has sat on my tbr for years due to some VERY mixed reviews I‘ve seen. I finally read it for the #ReadingWomenChallenge Caribbean author prompt, and I was entranced the whole way through.
Yanique‘s writing is lovely, the story is magical and engrossing, and the Virgin Islands setting is so powerfully drawn, I could imagine I was there. The characters are messy but believable, and there are triggers here.
Excellent on audio.