4 ⭐ Typical of Jayme and Laura this book is perfect. It rhymes well, the illustrations are great. It has a cadence. It just works from beginning to end. They have written many books together and all of them are classic.
4 ⭐ Typical of Jayme and Laura this book is perfect. It rhymes well, the illustrations are great. It has a cadence. It just works from beginning to end. They have written many books together and all of them are classic.
This is the newest book by the same author.
Noticing by Kobi Yamada was the perfect read in the quiet of the morning on the day after my father took his flight from this world. May we all take the time to “pause and allow for the extraordinary“ that this beautiful life offers!
No filter needed! 💙 Life has been too much lately and this photos reminds me of the good and beautiful times. Still haven't started this read as of yet. Waiting for a rainy, atmospheric kinda of day. Which this photo is week old and it's totally that kinda day but I'm busy . 😅😊
#bookdragon #booknerd #riverdays #summer #hotdays #rufflife #goingthroughit #uncertainties #moody #tired #trying
• Off to a GREAT start so far. #Trying to keep up the momentum; I want 2020 to be my best reading year yet 💪💪📚📚 •
#challenges #recentlyread #readinggoals #readingchallenge #readharder #Goodreads #goals #bookcrazy #booklover #inprogress #inovermyhead
• Second chapter, really liking it so far. Watched the movie before reading but that happens sometimes when I just can't wait. Hopefully I'll finish the book this month but that might not happen either 😬💪 #trying my best •
#NWC #scifi #bookofthemonth #ebook #cloudLibrary
Book haul from Shakespeare and Company
#normalpeople #thedreamers #trying #talesoftwoamericas #howtosetyourselfonfire #trentonmakes