Still reading this one. I actually started it a few months back but was not able to focus on reading because of our move to our new home. Now that we kinda settled, hoping to finish it soon! #TheWindUpBirdChronicle #HarukiMurakami
Still reading this one. I actually started it a few months back but was not able to focus on reading because of our move to our new home. Now that we kinda settled, hoping to finish it soon! #TheWindUpBirdChronicle #HarukiMurakami
I'm only about 40 pages into this, but it's so well-written! I just love Murakami's prose. The story so far is very simple and curious. I'm intrigued and eager to see where it's going to go.
#harukimurakami #thewindupbirdchronicle #japanese #magicalrealism #ownvoices #diversebooks