I really need to head to bed since it‘s my Sunday and I work in the morning but I CANT STOP READING THIS BOOK! #onceuponabookclubbox #thespacebetween #pageturner #readingpastmybedtime #whoneedssleepwhentheresabooktoread
I really need to head to bed since it‘s my Sunday and I work in the morning but I CANT STOP READING THIS BOOK! #onceuponabookclubbox #thespacebetween #pageturner #readingpastmybedtime #whoneedssleepwhentheresabooktoread
I finished cleaning my front room (I even vacuumed!) So I‘d say that means I can take a break and start my new book. This one sounds so good! #onceuponabookclubbox #thespacebetween #abreakfromadulting #booknerd
Day 24 for #hauntedbooktober is Vacation from Hell: Scariest Literary Location (the typo on the challenge post is killing me! I apologize!)
I went literal today and chose Hell. I haven't read The Space Between yet, but it sounds very interesting and the main character is a demon girl from a city in Hell.
#vacationfromhell #scaryliterarylocation #theinferno #thespacebetween #apothicinferno #booksandbottles
Day 20 of #hauntedbooktober is Creepy Cover. Stalkers is a collection of scary stalker stories. I haven't read it yet, but it sounds interesting. I don't know anything about The Space Between, but the cover was so haunting and beautiful at the same time. It was a total cover buy!
#creepycovers #scarybooks #scarystories #thespacebetween #stalkerstories #doloresclaiborne