Could not put down the book - every detail left me thirsty for more. The lives of the Winburys is filled with drama.
#theperfectcouple #romance #mystery
Could not put down the book - every detail left me thirsty for more. The lives of the Winburys is filled with drama.
#theperfectcouple #romance #mystery
My morning view as I turn some pages...👓📖☕️
#imblessed #myfamilyisblessed #godisgoodallthetime #nothinglikereadingwithnature #whereisthebreeze #elinhilderbrand #theperfectcouple #morningreading #readingismagical #bookpages ##bookstgramfeature #bookswag
It‘s always fun to meet an author.... I enjoyed meeting Elin Hilderbrand... My first time ever reading her book... So far I‘m loving her latest book “The Perfect Couple”... Some picks from last night‘s book signing at the Free Philadelphia Library... 😊
#elinhilderbrand #theperfectcouple #nantucket #addnantuckettomybucketlist #boujee #firsttimereadingherbooks #enjoyedmyself #cantputthebookdown #freelibraryofphiladelphia #bookswag #bookish
Getting a head start before I meat Elin Hilderbrand tomorrow night... So far I‘m enjoying the Nantucket Scenery... 🌊🍷⛵️ #theperfectcouple #elinhilderbrand #nantucket #newread #gettinglostbetweenthepages #bookstagramfeature #gettomeethertomorrow #superexcited #godisgood #imblessed #bookswag #readingismagic #bookstagramfeature #bookpages #bookpagefeature #bookporn