At the moment you can buy many books which have women in beautiful dresses on their cover but in my opinion the covers of "The Jewel" are one of the most beautiful ones ??? I would like to read this series soon because i've only read the first book yet ? I'm very curious about what will happen next and especially how the story will end ☺
#amyewing #thejewel #books #booklove
Finally picked up The Jewel by Amy Ewing the other day and actually quite liked it, despite the fact that I had a HUGE problem with the romance in this book. The world as described as in The Jewel really fascinates me, though it really scares me as well. I‘m not gonna lie though, the plot is weird as hell but also very intriguing and definitely something, I haven‘t read before. Review is up on my blog! #amyewing #thejewel #dasjuwel #bibliophile
Two days ago I've finished 'The Jewel' and if we ignore the so-called 'love story' the book was really good. It's not about - like the cover suggested - pageantry, princesses, princes etc. but about servitude and oppression. It's a tough topic and it has given me goosebumps of horror several times. I read the second book atm and I'm really excited about what happens next!
#dasjuwel #thejewel #amyewing #yalit #yafiction #fantasybooks #yalovin
🌟I'm keeping my TBR small this month since I have had a lot going on lately. #beautifulbrokengirls and #thejewel are the main two books that I want to get to.🌟 #kimsavage #amyewing