It's a story of love, casteism, childhood, Marxism and more. There are two twin protagonists in it. A masterpiece exceptional in every way. #thegodofsmallthings #arundhatiroy
It's a story of love, casteism, childhood, Marxism and more. There are two twin protagonists in it. A masterpiece exceptional in every way. #thegodofsmallthings #arundhatiroy
We‘ve been on a little hiatus because half our podcasting team is getting married in 2 weeks. But we squeezed in this book about family, trauma, and the price of a single night‘s decisions. #1001books #thegodofsmallthings #soundcloud #applepodcasts #googleplay
Scored all these books for $7 thanks to the local thrift store having a sale. 😍📚📖 Anyone‘s favorites in this pile? I read Beloved and am excited to own it. Shanghai Girls will be a re-read before I read Dreams of Joy, that novel still hasn‘t left my mind. #ThePoisonwoodBible #TheGodOfSmallThings #BridgetJonesDiary #YoungJaneYoung #Beloved #LoveInTheTimeOfCholera #TheReader #TheBadBeginning #EatPrayLove #ShanghaiGirls #CompleteMealCookbook
Opening line: "May in Ayemenem is a hot, brooding month." #thegodofsmallthings #arundhatiroy #bookerprize #harperperennial #bookcover #firstline #bookgnome #bookish #book
#marchintoreading day 13: #commonwealthauthors. The countries represented are Canada with #oryxandcrake by #margaretatwood, Cameroon with #thepoorchristofbomba by #mongobeti, Nigeria with #thethingaroundyourneck by #chimamandangoziadichie, India with #thegodofsmallthings by #arundhatiroy and South Africa with #thetypewriterstale by #michielheyns.