Omg!! This show was phenomenal… absolutely spectacular!! #theatrenerd
Omg!! This show was phenomenal… absolutely spectacular!! #theatrenerd
Just got this new book with a #numbertitle today! What's not to love about a play centered on the current royal family that takes place in the future but is written in the style of a Shakespearean history play? #futurehistory #riotgrams #theatrenerd #numbertitles
I went into this book knowing fans of the original series did not like it. I thought maybe it was just misunderstood. I was wrong. Harry Potter and the Cursed Child is crap. It reads like a poorly written fan fiction. I could only make it through the first fifty pages. It might be great seeing it as a play, but reading it, it's not worth the money. The only good I got out of it was at least knowing that Draco Malloy is still an ass.