"Suppose there was a woman once, not long ago or far from here, whose husband came home one night and stood at the door to make a simple statement."
Helen Garner, Cosmo Cosmolino
#helengarner #cosmocosmolino #textclassic #australianfiction
"Suppose there was a woman once, not long ago or far from here, whose husband came home one night and stood at the door to make a simple statement."
Helen Garner, Cosmo Cosmolino
#helengarner #cosmocosmolino #textclassic #australianfiction
A great book, Australia, Melbourne and hilarious!!!!
It's also a Text Classic - watch out for this fabulous little publisher - they present readers with significant Australian titles that are often overlooked by the global publishing community.
#deathinbrunswick #boydoxlade #textclassic #australianfiction