Run out of books? Is that even possible? 🤔😂
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Run out of books? Is that even possible? 🤔😂
#humor #litsyhumor #tacklingmountTBR #tacklingmytbrlist #tacklingthetbr #shelterinplace #keeplitsypositive
Making progress on my TBR pile! Currently reading:
🔹God Save The Queens
The other books shown have all been read. 😊📚
#tacklingthetbr #tacklingmytbrlist #tacklingmounttbr #mounttbr #accomplishments
Amos Oz had written a haunting novel that explores the nature of treachery and traitors by weaving together the foundation of Israel, the rising tensions of the Arab-Israeli conflict in 1959 and the Jewish interpretation(s) of Jesus and the betrayal of Judas. Told with quiet passion but without polemic. Fascinating, compassionate, thoughtful and humane. #TacklingTheTBR
Wow, this was fantastic! The story revolve around Lazar Lindt, a young Jewish refugee with a genius for science. But while Lazar is the centre it is the women in his life that are the heart of the story. I love the non-linear structure and the postmodern flourishes but it's the deft, psychologically complex character studies that make this something really special. Thank you @tricours for your excellent Cupid skills #TacklingTheTBR
I'm not ready to review this one properly yet but I do urge you to read it. It will shatter you and put all your prices together at the same time. Spoiler tag just because I don't want to ruin a single sentence for @saresmoore #TacklingTheTBR
A sensitive, multi-faceted portrait of a family attempting to deal with the sudden, unexplained death of a loved one. The family is beautifully drawn, both as individuals and as a unit. This is how even loving families can chip away at each other. This is how one person's insecurities can have a devastating effect on another. It's a story of disappointment and compromise but there's love and hope too. But we have to work for it. #TacklingTheTBR
You are a boy helping with the dead in the 1980 Gwangju Massacre. You are his dead friend. You are an editor fighting to publish. You are victims of torture and brutality. This is one of the most difficult books I've ever read. Han Kang refuses to blink at the horror and she wont let you either, often speaking directly to you in the second-person. Though the writing is unsparing to the edge of endurance it is literally breathtaking #TacklingTheTBR
Brutal, unsparing but phenomenally written, this stands asking the very greatest war novels. The circular narrative, returning to the same episodes from different angles, through different eyes, with different details create a powerful, unreliable almost hallucinatory effect that perfectly compliments O'Brian's discussions of the ambiguous role of truth and fiction and the things in between in life and in war. #TacklingTheTBR
I mean, what do I say? It's incredible stuff explained as concisely and clearly as humanly possible, I found it utterly fascinating (and the bad jokes oddly endearing). I would recommend reading a Brief History of Time first, a lot of material is restated but the earlier work helps with the groundwork of the theories in focus here. It's also a beautifully produced book with full-colour illustrations. #TacklingTheTBR #nonfictionchallenge17
Deceptively simple vignettes from a childhood in communist Poland. The fragmentary structure is an clever reflection of early memories, like remembered dreams. The shadow of the state appears as a child would see it, peripheral, glancing, uncertain and confused, represented in brief collisions with authority and the remarks of adults. The folkloric element adds dash of otherworldliness that I loved. A deft and assured debut novella #TacklingTheTBR