When you want to #reflectonwhathasbeen, there is no better book than the one you write yourself. #survivingdecember
When you want to #reflectonwhathasbeen, there is no better book than the one you write yourself. #survivingdecember
When I #misslovedones, I find the thestrals in Harry Potter very comforting. The idea that there are things that are invisible to people who have not experienced death at close hand is true and resonant. #survivingdecember
When you #needadaytoyourself, grab a book that forces you to neglect your responsibilities, have your children eat cereal for dinner, and test how understanding your spouse is. When I read this book a couple years ago, I read it all in one day. I have five kids. I have a job. I stayed up until 1 in the morning, and then I stayed up another couple hours texting my friend @Ross all about it. I don‘t think I recovered for a month. Still worth it. 😂
Have to #workthroughboredom? My solution? Audiobooks! And this is one of my all-time favorites. #survivingdecember
I‘m going to attempt to catch up on #survivingdecember! I was too busy surviving it to post. 😂 I like all of Brene Brown‘s books, but I think this one is a good choice if you #wanttosharehappiness.
Day 31:A Book📖to reflect on what has been-I think it only fitting to end this year w/a gift🎁from my #SSGP 🎅🏼, & even more fitting that it‘s one from My all time fave Steinbeck♥️! Fitting in that it reflects my love for literature & all things 📚ish, the generosity & 💕 in the world 🌎, & the joys in communities such as these😃📚. Adios 2017🥂🎊 #SurvivingDecember #BookTherapy #PhotoChallenge #NekoKappu #MatchaMallows 🍵🍡🐎
No matter how your 2017 was, I hope that you learned a lot and are ready for the fresh start of a new year. #Celebrate. You made it! Happy 2018. I wish you enough. ❤️ And thanks to @TK-421 for such a fun photo challenge. If I drop off the radar again in a week, it is because school has started again. #quotsy #quotsydec17 Also, I‘m cheating and making this work for the #survivingdecember prompt, too. I mean, it is about being good in bed. 😂
Last day of 2017. A new one will begin soon. 48 books a lot less then last year, but same number of pages. Wishing all Littens, health and some amazing books for 2018. 🥂 Also, I survived another December. 👊🏻 #survivingdecember