Tonight‘s sunset was so beautiful. It‘s like nature is saying “Sorry you‘re in hard lockdown for another month, here‘s some pretty sky colours.” 🙄 #SunsetsOfSydney #LockdownFatigue
Tonight‘s sunset was so beautiful. It‘s like nature is saying “Sorry you‘re in hard lockdown for another month, here‘s some pretty sky colours.” 🙄 #SunsetsOfSydney #LockdownFatigue
#AugustGrrl #day18 #IHeardARumor I heard a rumour that tonight's sunset over Sydney would be spectacular, so I just had to go out and take a photo of it! I love sunsets on days when there's just enough gray cloud in the sky to reflect the suns colour. #sunsetsofsydney #aussieskycolours
Tonight's amazing sunset over Sydney. My house is in a bowl surrounded by trees so I couldn't get a really great shot, but what I could get is pretty spectacular. The photo doesn't do the colours justice, it's even more orange and pink in person. #sunsetsofsydney #aussiewintersunsets