Finally announcing the fun times of Reading Envy Summer Reading! Lots of room to easily participate, themes instead of specific titles to readalong. http://readingenvy.blogspot.com/2018/05/reading-envy-summer-reading.html
On the left, a book my coworker gave me when I moved to NYC almost 7 years ago. Today, I bought myself the book on the right to hopefully help shift my mindset as my husband and I prepare to move back to Ohio in the next few months. Trying to soak up all of the dirty, noisy city while I still can! Very bittersweet. 🗽🌇🚖
I love visiting New England! Growing up, Maine was my family's #vacation spot. As an adult, I've done solo trips to several New England states, including an off season visit to Newport, RI, which was just amazing! There's something about the air and the pace of life that calls to me. I haven't been back for a few years, but I hope to make another trek someday... #augustgrrrl #idlivethere #backtoreading