What a poignant description of #anxiety
Check out this super armchair travel list from bookpage.com blog post which includes this lovely imagining of the subject of this Andrew Wyeth painting. The quote reminds me of a message from The Poisonwood Bible that *do-gooders* aren't always doing good, in spite of best intentions. #artrelatedbooks #art #artist #readcation #staycationreads
Looking forward to this read...channeling my inner Rory Gilmore: good book, coffee, and a GG-inspired bookmark c/o my (work) bestie. #lifeisgood #staycationreads #vacationreads #everydayreads 📚
What a beautiful way to describe what words look like to someone who can't read #staycationreads
@GauthRach and I are reading this book together! Hers was supposed to come in the mail today, I couldn't wait for the library to get it...so I went to the other system! #staycationreads