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Yes, Daddy | Jonathan Parks-Ramage
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Ooh this was dark, and with too many content warnings to mention! Writing is razor sharp and fast paced, and this take on a fairytale romance gone very bad is compelling. The LGBTQ+ #metoo tale includes a human trafficking element, rape, conversion therapy and a look at telling our own stories, in our own time vs the responsibility to share to help/save others. Didn‘t care for the ending, but so worth a read if the content doesn‘t scare you off!

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Mexican Gothic | Silvia Moreno-Garcia
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Well, that was a bit…weird! It‘s a soft pick, as I‘m not a huge fan of gothic books anyway, but this was odd in that it is set in Mexico but in a traditional English country house, so didn‘t feel Mexican at all. It‘s all a bit odd to me but I kinda liked it!

As @Laughterhp commented on her recent post, I also have no idea what a #socialhorror book is, but this was classed as such so I‘m taking it! This is my last book for #pop22 - yay!

squirrelbrain What did you think @Caroline2 ? 🤔 I hope you haven‘t bailed! 🤣 2y
Laughterhp Wow all done! Congrats! 2y
TrishB I bailed on this one! 2y
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KarenUK We‘ll done on completing the challenge!! I‘m 5 away from doing the same….. but some really long books! 🤦‍♀️ #pagecountphobia 2y
AmyG Yes…odd but Ikind of liked it. 👍🏻 2y
Cinfhen Yay!!! Congrats!!!!! This was definitely a #weird book!!! 2y
julesG I nearly bailed on this one. It was an ARC and I skimmed most parts. 2y
Caroline2 Meh I‘m about 35%. I was enjoying it but now I‘m bored might skim read for a bit, might bail 🤣 2y
squirrelbrain @Caroline2 - the really weird stuff starts at about 60% in…. 2y
squirrelbrain I didn‘t do the ‘extra‘ prompts though @KarenUK so you get extra brownie points for those! 😁 2y
BarbaraBB You‘re done? Impressive!!! ✨✨ 2y
Cortg Oooh! Congrats on finishing! That‘s super exciting! 2y
squirrelbrain Just realised I forgot to tag you on this for #aam @soubhiville 🤦‍♀️ (edited) 2y
Soubhiville No problem, I saw it anyway 🙂. As long as you fill out the Google form I don‘t have to be tagged in all AAM posts. 2y
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Penance | Kanae Minato
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I picked this up for #pop22 #socialhorror

I guess I don‘t understand what social horror actually means. Because I don‘t know what makes this social-horror.

As a book, this was good and it was an interesting story and set up. The book is essentially 5 very long chapters, where you get each person‘s point of view.

It‘s been a while since I‘ve read a pop22 book, so I may forget to tag someone!

squirrelbrain Ha! I just read Mexican Gothic for the same prompt (will review shortly)and I have no idea what made it #socialhorror, although it was billed as such on GR. 🤷‍♀️ 2y
BarbaraBB I have no idea either what the prompt means but I did like this book! 2y
Cortg Definitely a weird sub genre! 2y
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This was an eye-opening, heartbreaking read written by a female journalist in 1887. Nellie Bly had herself (all too easily) committed to NYC insane asylum to expose the horrific treatment shown to the patients, many who were completely SANE. This was a beyond disturbing account of her 10 days spent on Blackwell Island. Thank you @IndoorDame for posting & sharing. #Pop22 #VictorianTimes #SocialHorror #Booked2022 #WrittenByAJournalist

Megabooks Yeah, this one‘s a no for me, but great review! 3y
Cinfhen Really disturbing @Megabooks completely heartbreaking 💔 3y
Cinfhen Just emailed you @Megabooks xxx 3y
Megabooks @Cinfhen just sent a quick email back! 😘 going to try to finish this before the house wakes up 3y
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Vox | Christina Dalcher
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Sorry @Cortg I‘m a lousy buddy-read partner. I think the premise had potential but the execution wasn‘t quite right. The plot felt a bit implausible & the author drew the MC in such an unflattering light that no matter the outcome I was never going to respect her. Plus there was too much we were asked to accept off page. Between a so-so & pan. #SocialHorror #PoP22

RaeLovesToRead I thought this one started well but the second half was rushed and there were major shortcuts taken with the world building. 3y
Cinfhen Yes @RaeLovesToRead EXACTLY!! It bugged me that SO MUCH happens off page and we‘re just told certain events occurred. It bugged me. 3y
Cortg @Cinfhen No worries! I'm only about 50 pages in, but it's made me think. I know it's far out, but that to me is the point. I keep thinking of a couple things while reading, I'm reminded of Afghanastan and also TX (and a handful of other sates) with their new abortion laws, anti-CRT, book banning & states trying to take voting rights away or make it much more difficult, and the hate crimes here in the US, espcially religous ones (Steven's AP class) 3y
Cinfhen I understand what the author was trying to highlight and I agree, there‘s a lot to think about @Cortg but ultimately the premise didn‘t work for me. Keep me posted on your thoughts. I enjoy learning from others. 3y
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Vox | Christina Dalcher
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I‘ve started my #SocialHorror book #pop22 @Cortg
No pressure to read right away.
It‘s easy to get lost in but the premise seems wayyyy to far-fetched. #DystopianHorror

Megabooks I think this was a bit more fear inducing and believable when it came out in 2017. 3y
Cinfhen I think you‘re 💯 right about the timing @Megabooks 3y
Cortg Nice! I‘ll start it tonight 😀 3y
Cinfhen Yay @Cortg I can see the Handmaid comparisons but the Atwood felt more believable. I‘m curious to hear your initial thoughts ☺️ 3y
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Cherish Farrah: A Novel | Bethany C. Morrow
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Eh. This #SocialHorror book was a slow build, but even with the interesting ending, I‘m still not sure it was worth the effort.

Farrah always tries to stay a step ahead of everyone, especially her mother and her best friend Cherish. When her once wealthy parents lose their home, she fights to live with even more wealthy Cherish‘s family. But when a series of “accidents” befall her, she slowly questions if everyone is who they seem. 3⭐️ #pop22

BarbaraBB Your review makes it sound good actually 😂 3y
squirrelbrain Oh dear, sorry it was a bit meh…. I‘ll unstack it! 3y
Cinfhen Agree with @BarbaraBB but I‘ll trust your instincts and hold off on this one for now. #SoManyBooksSoLittleTime 💜 3y
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Megabooks @BarbaraBB @squirrelbrain @Cinfhen yeah, I think it was a bit of finding Farrah very annoying and that being a big deal because of the slow pace. Think The Other Black Girl but with teenagers. Maybe it‘s a thing now?? (edited) 3y
BarbaraBB I didn‘t like The Other Black Girl either so I know now not to get this one. 3y
Megabooks @BarbaraBB 👍🏻 3y
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Cherish Farrah: A Novel | Bethany C. Morrow
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Starting my #pop22 #SocialHorror book. It sounds interesting. 👍🏻 it was helpful that the blurb outright said social horror! 😂

I have three reviews to write. Hopefully they‘ll come later today. I‘m going through one of those times where life just catches up with you. 🤷🏻‍♀️ hopefully things will improve soon! 😁

#audiobook #librofm

Cinfhen Super curious to hear your thoughts on this one!!! It‘s totally new to me 3y
AmyG I am curious to hear how this one is, too. 3y
squirrelbrain The blurb of this is fascinating - awaiting your thoughts! 😁 3y
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BarbaraBB How do you find these books?! Fascinating 😀 3y
Megabooks @Cinfhen @AmyG @squirrelbrain about 20% in and still deciding how I feel. The book starts in the middle of the story, so I‘m still gaining traction. 3y
Megabooks @BarbaraBB lol! I browse audiobooks the way people browse in a bookstore. 😂😂 work with what I got! 3y
Suet624 I think I might be @BarbaraBB ‘s shadow - I was wondering the same thing. You find and read so many books I‘ve never heard of. 3y
Megabooks @Suet624 thanks! Yeah, I just like browsing on the internet because we have no bookstore in my town. Plus audiobooks don‘t take up space! 😂 3y
BarbaraBB @Suet624 My shadow? You‘re mostly my influencer 😀😘 3y
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Up next 🎧

Laughterhp I don‘t see why not. As long as it is still getting the message across, I think a nonfiction book is okay. 3y
Cortg This if from Popsugar and says nothing about it having to be fiction or nonfiction! Enjoy! I love a good NF book 📚
a type of book or film that uses elements of suspense and horror to augment or highlight instances of oppression in society.
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RaeLovesToRead I'd never even heard of Social Horror as a genre until this challenge! I've chosen The Circle by Dave Eggers 3y
Cinfhen I know @RaeLovesToRead same!! I think because it‘s still early in the challenge im gonna look for more of a “classic” style horror book but if I don‘t find one ill count this one @Laughterhp @Cortg @jenniferw88 Thanks for your input ♥️ 3y
Cortg I‘m using Vox for this prompt. Frankenstein and Beloved would work as classics if you haven‘t already read them. 3y
Cinfhen I have Vox on my kindle @Cortg so maybe it‘s the excuse to FINALLY read it!!! 3y
Cortg @Cinfhen There ya go! I found a hardback copy at the dollar tree last year 🙌🏼 3y
Cinfhen Maybe we can buddyread together @Cortg 3y
Cortg I would love to! 3y
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