#octphotochallenge catch-up post. I've never watched Daria 🙀 but I would love to be as #smartandsnarky as Ifemulu. #zeus #nationalcatday @LibrarianRyan
#octphotochallenge catch-up post. I've never watched Daria 🙀 but I would love to be as #smartandsnarky as Ifemulu. #zeus #nationalcatday @LibrarianRyan
Liv Moore from iZombie is my #dariawannabe choice. She's #smartandsnarky, with a very Veronica Mars kind of feel. Highly recommend both the books and the tv show. #octphotochallenge
"You want to be careful, Blaise! I saw this young lady perform the most marvelous Bat-Bogey Hex as I was passing her carriage! I wouldn't cross her!"
#GinnyWeasley is #smartandsnarky without words. #octphotochallenge #harrypotter #scaretober
#octphotochallenge #dariawannabe #smartandsnarky
Oh Rachel Morgan. So many of these characters are smart and snarky, but I'm going with Rach. This is especially apparent in Waylaid (the crossover with Peri Reed), because man is she pissed to be summoned. SHE WAS ON A DATE! 😡 haha
#octphotochallenge #smartandsnarky Molly Carpenter she's a sassy shit, smart as all get out and she will ice your ass in an instant!! @LibrarianRyan
No idea who Daria is, but fierce warrior Elizabeth Bennet has enough smarts and snark to feel bad about (in distant hindsight) directing it to her love, Mr. Darcy! ~ #Day19 #DariaWannabe #SmartAndSnarky #octphotochallenge #bookphotochallenge ~ @LibrarianRyan
Bianca Piper is #SmartandSnarky in The DUFF. I watched the movie first (😱) but the book had so much more depth (of course) so she is my pick for #DariaWannabe #OctPhotoChallenge plus... I do love Mae Whitman