Here's my #lastbookstacked along with a few other things I've seen here that have taken my fancy. #seasonsreading2016 #bookgeek
Here's my #lastbookstacked along with a few other things I've seen here that have taken my fancy. #seasonsreading2016 #bookgeek
#lastbookstacked were the ones I got for Christmas (I pretty much save my ebook reading for eArcs from Edelweiss so I resisted the ebook sales). The Hubs read my blog post about what books I wanted Santa to bring, and he surprised me with It Ends With Us and Night Shift. Then I snagged two awesome arcs at work and a physical copy of Big Little Lies for an upcoming book club discussion. #seasonsreading2016 #midnightbookgirl
Forgot one of my Christmas #BookishGifts! A two for one literary t-shirt from my mum 😊🎁 #SeasonsReading2016
#seasonsreading2016 #lastbookstacked These are the last books I stacked yesterday (7) and I thank these Littens for posting/tempting @Hooked_on_books @Bookish_B @Lola @Blair_Reads @EvieBee84 @AmbityScambity @merelybookish